Colorado CTE Opportunities for ALL Students Jennifer Jirous STEM/Arts Program Director
Do You Realize?
Colorado Blueprint Overview
Where Does CTE Fit? Vision: Colorado CTE delivers proven pathways to lifelong career success! Mission: CTE ensures a thriving Colorado economy by providing relevant and rigorous education that is connected, responsive and real.
Who Are We? In , there were more than 112,000 total CTE enrollments (89,145 individual CTE students) in secondary programs. More than 1,200 programs 159 School Districts 8 Technical Centers 4 Special Schools 5 Community Colleges 3 Area Technical Colleges 1 Four-Year Local College 1 Charter District Correctional Facilities
Who Are We? In , there were nearly 35,000 CTE enrollments (33,924 individual CTE students) in post-secondary programs. 618 Programs 13 System Community Colleges 2 Local District Community Colleges 1 Local Four-Year College 3 Technical Colleges Correctional Facilities
Who Are We? Information Technology CTE Programs Secondary 40 Secondary Programs 1350 Secondary Students 988 Males, 362 Females 854 White, 438 Other Post-secondary 29 Post-secondary Programs 1260 Post-secondary students 949 Males, 312 Females 757 White, 293 Other
CAP4K Requirements Preschool through elementary and secondary education - aligned standards - adoption - revisions. 2(b): In developing the preschool through elementary and secondary education standards, the State Board shall also take into account any Career & Technical Education standards adopted by the State Board for Community Colleges and Occupational Education, created in Section , C.R.S., and, to the extent practicable, shall align the appropriate portions of the preschool through elementary and secondary education standards with the Career and Technical standards.
Our Standards―Today The most current work has allowed for fewer, higher, clearer and more transferrable standards, expectations and outcomes One set of aligned Essential Skills to drive Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness inclusion in all Career & Technical Education programs 52 pathways with validated academic alignments Standards Website (online course builder)
Current/Future Initiatives –Resource bank of Measureable Assessments Teacher effectiveness legislation –Alignment to Post-secondary course competenciesAlignment to Post-secondary course competencies –State level Post-secondary credit optionsState level Post-secondary credit options
Plans of Study - REAL Process Intended as a primary guide as students create their Individual Career & Academic Plans (ICAP) Assist student in designing a meaningful educational experience that is relevant to their individual career aspirations (ICAP)
A Communication Tool It is a visual communication tool that demonstrates the link of high school academic and CTE courses to college programs and careers. It is also a partnership with business and industry.
Final Thought… “Challenges make you discover things about yourself that you never really knew. They're what make the instrument stretch - what make you go beyond the norm.”
What do educators make...