Information Society Technologies Workprogramme 2000 José C. COTTA Head of Unit - International Aspects of the Programme; Innovation DG Information Society European Commission Head of Unit - International Aspects of the Programme; Innovation DG Information Society European Commission
Slide 2 Overview A few facts about the IST Programme A few facts about the IST Programme The context of the 5th FP The context of the 5th FP The timetable The timetable What’s new in 2000 What’s new in 2000 Building on a vision Building on a vision Key actions and priorities Key actions and priorities Important details Important details The call roadmap The call roadmap Documents and information Documents and information
Slide 3 The Fifth Framework Programme ( ) Creating a User friendly Information Society BEURO Creating a User friendly Information Society BEURO Energy, environment & sustainable development BEURO Energy, environment & sustainable development BEURO Improving the quality of life & management of living resources BEURO Improving the quality of life & management of living resources BEURO Promoting competitive & sustainable growth BEURO Promoting competitive & sustainable growth BEURO Total: BEURO BEURO Confirming the international role of Community research BEURO Promotion of innovation & SME participation BEURO Improving human potential & socio-economic knowledge
Slide 4 IST Basics 3.6B Euro over four years ( ) 3.6B Euro over four years ( ) Combines research, development & take-up Combines research, development & take-up Content defined in annual workprogramme Content defined in annual workprogramme Support to best proposals (competition) Support to best proposals (competition) Competition launched through “call for proposals” Competition launched through “call for proposals” Fixed deadline and continuous submission Fixed deadline and continuous submission Evaluation by independent experts Evaluation by independent experts Contracts to selected proposals (~9months after call) Contracts to selected proposals (~9months after call) Projects lasting typically months Projects lasting typically months
Slide 5 ~1200 MEuro ~1200 MEuro ~950 MEuro ~950 MEuro ~850 MEuro ~850 MEuro ~330 MEuro ~330 MEuro 1999 Jan Apr Jul Oct Jan Apr Jul Oct2000 Jan Apr Jul Oct Budget 1999 Budget 2000 Budget 2001 Budget 2002 Call-1Call-2Call-3Call-4Call-5Call-6Call-7Call-8 IST timetable
Slide 6 Organisation & Integration Research networking Future & emerging technologies KA4 Essential technologies & infrastructure KA1 Systems & services for the citizen KA2 New methods of work & Electronic Commerce KA3 Multimedia content & tools Cross Programme Themes
Slide 7 Research networking Future and emerging technologies The budget KA3: Multimedia content and tools KA2: New methods of work and electronic commerce KA1: Systems and services for the citizen KA4: Essential technologies and infrastructures 646 MEURO (18%) 547 MEURO (15%) 564 MEURO (16%) 1,363 MEURO (38%) 319 MEURO ( 9%) 161 MEURO ( 4%) Cross-Programme themes at least 10% of programme
Slide 8 Take-up Dissemination and awareness Activities Networks of excellence Networks of excellence RTD Suppliers Users Users from discovery ………………………moving towards market
Slide 9 Annual workprogramme update IST workprogramme workprogramme1999IST 1999 IST 2000IST 2000 IST orientationsIST orientations Technolog y and market evolution Consultation with IST participants Policy & FP5 Programmes ISTCommittee (member states) IST Advisory Group (experts, business)
Slide 10 ISTAG Vision - “orientations for WP2000 and beyond” ”C reate an ambient intelligence landscape (for seamless delivery of services and applications) in Europe relying also upon testbeds and open source software, develop user-friendliness, and develop and converge the networking infrastructure in Europe to world-class" ”C reate an ambient intelligence landscape (for seamless delivery of services and applications) in Europe relying also upon testbeds and open source software, develop user-friendliness, and develop and converge the networking infrastructure in Europe to world-class"
Slide 11 IST vision - examples In the car In the car Route optimisation & navigation (efficiency) Route optimisation & navigation (efficiency) Interpretation and reaction to obstacles (safety) Interpretation and reaction to obstacles (safety) Communications (mobile office) Communications (mobile office) At home At home Natural interactions (voice, gesture) Natural interactions (voice, gesture) Services accessible everywhere (convenience) Services accessible everywhere (convenience) Security (protection), comfort (control) and care (illness) Security (protection), comfort (control) and care (illness) In the office In the office Where is my office ? Where is my integrated toolset ? Where is my office ? Where is my integrated toolset ? other examples equally applicable …….. other examples equally applicable …….. Government EnvironmentHealthMediaLearning Business
Slide 12 KA 2 KA 3 KA 4 KA 1 IST vision - building blocks Networking Fixed/mobile integrationFixed/mobile integration Broadband/all-opticalBroadband/all-optical Mobile IPMobile IP Distribution Interworking/interrupt.Interworking/interrupt. Mobile processesMobile processes ScalabilityScalability Embedded Embedded internetEmbedded internet Light weight OS’sLight weight OS’s Interaction Multi-modalityMulti-modality multilingualmultilingual personalisedpersonalised Convergence Integration of on-line and broadcastingIntegration of on-line and broadcasting Trust generation SecuritySecurity PrivacyPrivacy DependabilityDependability Ubiquity Commonplace appliances-seamless services,... The technology is all around us but almost invisible Dialogue laid-back mode, enjoyable,...
Slide 13 WP presentation Sharper action line description Sharper action line description “Objectives” and “focus” format “Objectives” and “focus” format Clearer format Clearer format Type of action specified for each Action Line Type of action specified for each Action Line Separate Take-up action lines in each KA Separate Take-up action lines in each KA Links with previous (WP99) explained Links with previous (WP99) explained Further programme level integration Further programme level integration More CPA’s (now 8) More CPA’s (now 8) Introducing “test-beds” Introducing “test-beds”
Slide 14 WP priorities Integrated approach to natural interactivity and user-friendliness Integrated approach to natural interactivity and user-friendliness Networked embedded devices (mobile and fixed) Networked embedded devices (mobile and fixed) Convergence of infrastructure ( Mobile, IP,..) Convergence of infrastructure ( Mobile, IP,..) Integration of interactive and broadcasting services Integration of interactive and broadcasting services Supporting dynamic business value chains Supporting dynamic business value chains Reconsidering service development and provision Reconsidering service development and provision Strengthening trust and confidence Strengthening trust and confidence
Slide 15 Main highlights : Key Action I Stronger focus on advancing the state-of-the-art for improved services: Stronger focus on advancing the state-of-the-art for improved services: System integration, specific targeted components System integration, specific targeted components Ubiquitous/mobile access and advanced interaction modes Ubiquitous/mobile access and advanced interaction modes Strong industrial/user participation desirable Strong industrial/user participation desirable New New Health : Best practice and testbeds in regional healthcare Health : Best practice and testbeds in regional healthcare Administrations : smart government Administrations : smart government Elderly & disabled : Intelligent assistive systems & interfaces Elderly & disabled : Intelligent assistive systems & interfaces Environment : data fusion and smart sensors for demining Environment : data fusion and smart sensors for demining Transport : Best practice in electronic fee collection Transport : Best practice in electronic fee collection
Slide 16 Main highlights : Key Action II Emphasis on medium to long-term Emphasis on medium to long-term Further integration : Further integration : Number of action lines reduced but refocused Number of action lines reduced but refocused Introduced Action lines spanning the Key Action Introduced Action lines spanning the Key Action Take-up across the Key Action Take-up across the Key Action Trust and confidence reinforced Trust and confidence reinforced New New Mobility and ubiquity in e-commerce and e-work Mobility and ubiquity in e-commerce and e-work Dynamic value constellations Dynamic value constellations
Slide 17 Main highlights : Key Action III Emphasis on: Emphasis on: Natural interaction Natural interaction Integration of interactive and broadcasting services Integration of interactive and broadcasting services Take-up included throughout the Key Action Take-up included throughout the Key Action to strengthen user-supplier interactions to strengthen user-supplier interactions trails/best practice : on-the-job training in SME’s trails/best practice : on-the-job training in SME’s trails/best practice : multilingual e-commerce and e-service trails/best practice : multilingual e-commerce and e-service New New Content-processing for domestic & mobile multimedia Content-processing for domestic & mobile multimedia Cross-lingual information management and knowledge Cross-lingual information management and knowledge School of tomorrow School of tomorrow Information visualisation Information visualisation
Slide 18 Main highlights : KAIV Strengthening infrastructure convergence Strengthening infrastructure convergence IP/Mobile/fixed IP/Mobile/fixed Broadcasting and communications Broadcasting and communications Higher visibility to networked embedded devices, and related architectures Higher visibility to networked embedded devices, and related architectures Embedded devices, Software, real-time systems Embedded devices, Software, real-time systems Highlighting Openness of software and systems Highlighting Openness of software and systems Includes a comprehensive range of take-up measures Includes a comprehensive range of take-up measures Two-phase perspective Two-phase perspective Integration in short to medium term Integration in short to medium term Higher performance and adaptivity in longer term Higher performance and adaptivity in longer term
Slide 19 KAIV: New activity highlights Software : Software : User centred interaction and functionality design enhancing creativity and early stages of software development User centred interaction and functionality design enhancing creativity and early stages of software development best practice/trials : open source software and embedded systems best practice/trials : open source software and embedded systems Mobile systems : Mobile systems : fourth generation systems and network concepts for wireless communication fourth generation systems and network concepts for wireless communication Interfaces : Interfaces : reconfigurable interfaced appliances reconfigurable interfaced appliances Microelectronics : Microelectronics : Research training - accompanying measures Research training - accompanying measures
Slide 20 Cross-Programme Actions (pulling the pieces together) Eight Actions Eight Actions Natural interactions and dialogue modes (enjoyable…) Natural interactions and dialogue modes (enjoyable…) Home environments (ambient intelligence at home) Home environments (ambient intelligence at home) Survivability of large scale systems (trust and confidence..) Survivability of large scale systems (trust and confidence..) Mobility (mobile services..) Mobility (mobile services..) Next Generation Networks ( convergence of infrastructure) Next Generation Networks ( convergence of infrastructure) Socio-economic (usability, acceptability,…) Socio-economic (usability, acceptability,…) Smart cards (seamless services..) Smart cards (seamless services..) Statistical tools, methods, indicators & applications for the Information Society Statistical tools, methods, indicators & applications for the Information Society
Slide 21 Future & emerging technologies Open Scheme (continuous submission) Open Scheme (continuous submission) Two new proactive initiatives: Two new proactive initiatives: Disappearing computer Disappearing computer Neuro-informatics Neuro-informatics Research Networking Interconnection Interconnection Advanced experiments: Advanced experiments: End to end experiments End to end experiments Integration Integration Future networks Future networks
Slide 22 Cross-programme clusters “Thematic” clusters of projects “Thematic” clusters of projects Initiative lies with “projects” Initiative lies with “projects” Make use of the PIM report Make use of the PIM report Cluster activities based on … Cluster activities based on … The needs of projects The needs of projects Generation of added-value Generation of added-value Creation of mutual awareness Creation of mutual awareness Create fora to exchange ideas / results Create fora to exchange ideas / results Debate issues of common interest / concern Debate issues of common interest / concern Find common ground / establish guidelines, etc Find common ground / establish guidelines, etc
Slide 23 IST Support Activities Project clusters Project clusters Networks of Excellence and working groups Networks of Excellence and working groups Channelling of Standardisation and Interoperability initiatives Channelling of Standardisation and Interoperability initiatives Improving Human Capital in IST-Research Improving Human Capital in IST-Research Enabling RTD Co-operation with Newly Associated States Enabling RTD Co-operation with Newly Associated States Enabling RTD Co-operation with 3rd Counties Enabling RTD Co-operation with 3rd Counties Note - Continuous submission for accompanying measures (Support measures that are specific to a Key Action are called under the fixed deadline scheme) - Submission to DG-Research calls … - Submission to DG-Research calls … + SME cooperative research & exploratory awards + SME cooperative research & exploratory awards + Marie Curie training fellowships and bursaries for developing countries + Marie Curie training fellowships and bursaries for developing countries
Slide 24 Important details - Calls in rd Call 300 MEURO 4th Call 450 MEURO 5th Call 200 MEURO
Slide Workprogramme Important details - official texts
Slide 26 See workprogramme for details Important details - roadmaps
Slide 27 Important details - keep up to date ! IST helpdesk IST helpdesk Fax : Official Journal (call text) - Official Journal (call text) - Workprogramme - Workprogramme - Guide for Proposers - Guide for Proposers - Evaluation manual - Evaluation manual