I will ensure that the classroom environment is a nurturing and supportive one where children feel safe and cared for and want to learn.
How I do this ? By knowing my students needs and abilities and group them accordingly. By including the students in the direction of their own learning, giving them ownership and responsibility. By ensuring that they have pride in their own particular culture as they learn. By using a variety of teaching strategies that best suit the students’ needs and abilities. By giving each individual student regular feedback. By ensuring that Postgate’s open school policy be adhered to and interact with the parents, and when possible, involve them in classroom learning.
My action plan is to… Motivate students to be confident in their learning and take risks in facing their next steps. To ensure that they know what their gaps are and what their next learning steps will be. Motivate students into developing independent work habits. Motivate students into developing questioning minds and to ask the questions. Instil a purpose and reason for learning and to become life-long learners. Assure all my students that we can all achieve and really value the idea of achieving together.
My next steps…are to further investigate The professional understanding and meaning of motivation. To consult with those who can offer advice and guidance. To attend professional development courses that will give me clearer direction.