I Wayan Suarjaya NPM: 3310 I Wayan Suarjaya NPM: 3310 Media Pembelajaran Kelas 5/1 Media Pembelajaran Kelas 5/1 Click Click here
It’s a quarter to seven. It’s half past seven. It is seven thirty. What time does he go home? He goes home at twelve thirty. What time does the school end? The school ends at one o’clock. TIMES
times ListeningSpeakingReadingWriting
It’s five o’clock. It’s nine o’clock. Listening Listen to and repeat after your teacher. Dengar dan ulangilh ucapan gurumu. Listening Listen to and repeat after your teacher. Dengar dan ulangilh ucapan gurumu. It’s half past ten It’s ten thirty it’s twenty past two It’s two twenty
We use “ o’clock “ when the time is exact. We use “past” when the time is past. We use “to” when the time is less. It’s nine o’clock. It’s half past two. It’s a ten to five. FOCUS
1. Writing Match the pictures with the correct time. Jodohkanlah jam dengan deskripsi waktu yang tepat. Writing Match the pictures with the correct time. Jodohkanlah jam dengan deskripsi waktu yang tepat. a. Half past six. a. Half past six. b. A quarter to seven.quarterto
2. 3. a. Six o’clock. a. Six o’clock. b. Five twenty.twenty b. Five twenty.twenty a. A quarter to five.quarter a. A quarter to five.quarter b. A quarter past ten.
Example : – go to class. Adi : what time is it? Ida : it’s six fifty. Adi : it’s time to go to class. Ida : let’s go to class. Speaking Cr eate simple conversation based on the clue. Buatlah percakapan pendek berdasarkan kata kunci. Speaking Cr eate simple conversation based on the clue. Buatlah percakapan pendek berdasarkan kata kunci.
Now, create and practice with your partner. Sekarang buat dan praktikan percakapan dengan pasanganmu – take a bath – have breakfast – have lunch – do homework – go to bed.
1.A : what time do they have breakfast? B : they have breakfast at a quarter to seven. 2. A : what time does the school begin? B : the school begins at seven o’clock. Reading Read in pairs these sentences carefully. Baca berpasangan dan pelajarilah kalimat-kalimat dengan seksama. Reading Read in pairs these sentences carefully. Baca berpasangan dan pelajarilah kalimat-kalimat dengan seksama.
3. A : what time do they go home from school? B : they go home from school at one thirty. 4. A : what time does Made study at home ? B : Made studies at home at ten past six. 5. A : what time does the boy go to bed ? B : they boy goes to bed at five to nine.
Focus Simple Present Tense is used to express general facts or habits. SubjectVerb I, you, they, weDo, go, begin, end. She, he, itDoes, goes, begins, ends. What timedoI, you, they, weGo to school? What timeDoesHe, she, itGo to school? I, you, they, weGo to schoolAt six He, she, itGoes to schoolAt six