The Perpetual Virginity Of St. Mary, The Mother Of God.


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Presentation transcript:

The Perpetual Virginity Of St. Mary, The Mother Of God

Set Apart to God (1) The Jewish culture understood virginity and abstinence not as a mere rejection of something enjoyable, but as something naturally taken up by one whose life has been consecrated by the Lord’s Spirit to be a vessel of salvation to His people.The Jewish culture understood virginity and abstinence not as a mere rejection of something enjoyable, but as something naturally taken up by one whose life has been consecrated by the Lord’s Spirit to be a vessel of salvation to His people.

Set Apart to God (2) Mary became the vessel for the Lord of Glory Himself, and bore in the flesh Him whom heaven and earth cannot contain. Would this not have been grounds to consider her life, including her body, as consecrated to God and God alone?Mary became the vessel for the Lord of Glory Himself, and bore in the flesh Him whom heaven and earth cannot contain. Would this not have been grounds to consider her life, including her body, as consecrated to God and God alone?

Set Apart to God (3) Consider that the poetically parallel incident of the Lord’s entry through the east gate of the Temple: “This gate shall be shut; it shall not be opened, and no one shall enter by it, for the Lord God of Israel has entered by it; therefore it shall be shut” (Ezekiel 44:2).Consider that the poetically parallel incident of the Lord’s entry through the east gate of the Temple: “This gate shall be shut; it shall not be opened, and no one shall enter by it, for the Lord God of Israel has entered by it; therefore it shall be shut” (Ezekiel 44:2).

Set Apart to God (4) And then there is Joseph’s character to consider. Surely his wife’s miraculous conception and birth giving (confirmed by the angel in dream- visions) and the sight of God incarnate in the face of the child Christ would have been enough to convince him that his marriage was set apart from the norm.And then there is Joseph’s character to consider. Surely his wife’s miraculous conception and birth giving (confirmed by the angel in dream- visions) and the sight of God incarnate in the face of the child Christ would have been enough to convince him that his marriage was set apart from the norm.

Set Apart to God (5) If touching the ark of the covenant had cost Uzzah his life, and if even the scrolls containing the Law, the Psalms, and the Prophets were venerated, certainly Joseph, man of God that he was, would neither have dared nor desired to approach Mary, the chosen of Israel, the throne of God, to request his “conjugal rights”!If touching the ark of the covenant had cost Uzzah his life, and if even the scrolls containing the Law, the Psalms, and the Prophets were venerated, certainly Joseph, man of God that he was, would neither have dared nor desired to approach Mary, the chosen of Israel, the throne of God, to request his “conjugal rights”!

The Lord’s “Brothers” (1) There are nine passages which state explicitly that the Lord had “brothers.” : Matthew 12:46– 47 and 13:55–56; Mark 3:31–32 and 6:3; Luke 8:19–20; John 2:12 and 7:3–5; Acts 1:14; and 1 Corinthians 9:5. The Greek word used in all these passages and generally translated “brother” is adelphos.There are nine passages which state explicitly that the Lord had “brothers.” : Matthew 12:46– 47 and 13:55–56; Mark 3:31–32 and 6:3; Luke 8:19–20; John 2:12 and 7:3–5; Acts 1:14; and 1 Corinthians 9:5. The Greek word used in all these passages and generally translated “brother” is adelphos.

The Lord’s “Brothers” (2) The Septuagint—the ancient Greek translation of the Hebrew Scriptures used by the Apostles includes specific words for “cousin,” notably adelphinos and anepsios.The Septuagint—the ancient Greek translation of the Hebrew Scriptures used by the Apostles includes specific words for “cousin,” notably adelphinos and anepsios. The less specific word adelphos, which can mean “brother,” “cousin,” “kinsman,” “fellow believer,” or “fellow countryman,” is used consistently throughout the Septuagint.The less specific word adelphos, which can mean “brother,” “cousin,” “kinsman,” “fellow believer,” or “fellow countryman,” is used consistently throughout the Septuagint.

The Lord’s “Brothers” (3) Genesis 14:14, 16; 29:12; Leviticus 25:49; Jeremiah 32:8, 9, 12; Tobit 7:2; etc.). Lot, for instance, who was the nephew of Abraham (cf. Genesis 11:27–31), is called his brother in Genesis 13:8 and 11:14–16.Genesis 14:14, 16; 29:12; Leviticus 25:49; Jeremiah 32:8, 9, 12; Tobit 7:2; etc.). Lot, for instance, who was the nephew of Abraham (cf. Genesis 11:27–31), is called his brother in Genesis 13:8 and 11:14–16.

The Lord’s “Brothers” (4) Nowhere in the Scriptures, is Mary explicitly stated to be the mother of Jesus’ brothers.Nowhere in the Scriptures, is Mary explicitly stated to be the mother of Jesus’ brothers. If St. Mary would have children, why did the Lord entrust her to St. John the Beloved at the time of His crucifixion?If St. Mary would have children, why did the Lord entrust her to St. John the Beloved at the time of His crucifixion?

The Meaning of “Until” (1) Another objection to the idea of Mary’s perpetual virginity is that the Scriptures use the word “until” or “till” in Matthew 1:25: “... and [Joseph] did not know her till she had brought forth her firstborn Son.” Whereas in English the word “until” necessarily indicates change after the fact, in the ancient languages of the Bible this is simply not the case.Another objection to the idea of Mary’s perpetual virginity is that the Scriptures use the word “until” or “till” in Matthew 1:25: “... and [Joseph] did not know her till she had brought forth her firstborn Son.” Whereas in English the word “until” necessarily indicates change after the fact, in the ancient languages of the Bible this is simply not the case.

The Meaning of “Until” (2) Here are some examples: * 2 Samuel 6:23 * Psalm 72:7 * Psalm 110:1 * Matthew 11:23 * Matthew 28:20 * Romans 8:22 * 1 Timothy 4:13Here are some examples: * 2 Samuel 6:23 * Psalm 72:7 * Psalm 110:1 * Matthew 11:23 * Matthew 28:20 * Romans 8:22 * 1 Timothy 4:13

The Meaning of “Until” (3) The use of “until” in Matthew 1:25, then, is purely to indicate that Christ was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, not conceived by Joseph and Mary, since they did not “know” each other “until” the birth. In this context “until” is really synonymous with “before.”The use of “until” in Matthew 1:25, then, is purely to indicate that Christ was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, not conceived by Joseph and Mary, since they did not “know” each other “until” the birth. In this context “until” is really synonymous with “before.”

The Meaning of “Firstborn” (1) The English “firstborn” usually (though, it must be said, not always) implies the existence of subsequent children, but with the Greek “prototokos” there is no such implication.The English “firstborn” usually (though, it must be said, not always) implies the existence of subsequent children, but with the Greek “prototokos” there is no such implication. In Hebrews 1:6, for example, the use of prototokos in reference to the Incarnation of the Word of God cannot mean that there is a “second-born” Word of God!In Hebrews 1:6, for example, the use of prototokos in reference to the Incarnation of the Word of God cannot mean that there is a “second-born” Word of God!

The Meaning of “Firstborn” (2) Nowhere is the term used to express merely the order of birth; instead in Romans 8:29, Colossians 1:15, 18, Hebrews 11:28 and 12:23, and Revelation 1:5, the title is applied to Jesus as the privileged and legal Heir of the Kingdom, attesting that He is truly “first in all things.”Nowhere is the term used to express merely the order of birth; instead in Romans 8:29, Colossians 1:15, 18, Hebrews 11:28 and 12:23, and Revelation 1:5, the title is applied to Jesus as the privileged and legal Heir of the Kingdom, attesting that He is truly “first in all things.”