“How To Build A Life-Changing Disciple-Making Process”


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Presentation transcript:

“How To Build A Life-Changing Disciple-Making Process” “The strength and influence of the church is wholly dependent upon its commitment to true discipleship.” - George Barna Growing True Disciples

1. Define Disciple-Making 2. Describe the way we are beginning to do it

It is fulfilling the Great Commission: What is Discipleship? It is fulfilling the Great Commission: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” Matthew 28:19-20

What is Discipleship? The Great Commission is not primarily about evangelism, it is about disciple-making.

Defining: What is Discipleship? “Christian discipleship is a process that takes place within accountable relationships over a period of time for the purpose of bringing believers to spiritual maturity in Christ.”

What is Discipleship? “Christian discipleship is a process that takes place within accountable relationships over a period of time for the purpose of bringing believers to spiritual maturity in Christ.”

Discipleship Is… A process: Disciple-making is a “shift from program-driven ministry to people- driven ministry … move from concern about quantity (people, programs, square footage, dollars) to concern about quality (commitment, wisdom, relationships, values, lifestyle).” - George Barna Growing True Disciples

Elements of Conversion (Decision for Christ) What is Conversion? belief in Jesus repentance trust / assurance of salvation commitment and devotion giving a verbal witness to Him public baptism incorporation into a Christian community

What is Discipleship? “Christian discipleship is a process that takes place within accountable relationships over a period of time for the purpose of bringing believers to spiritual maturity in Christ.”

It is accountable relationships: What is Discipleship? It is accountable relationships: “Disciple-making is not about replicable, transferable methods, but about the mystery of two walking together. Christian maturity is always a social, and never an individual reality. There is no such thing as my maturity. It is only our maturity.”

What is Discipleship? “Christian discipleship is a process that takes place within accountable relationships over a period of time for the purpose of bringing believers to spiritual maturity in Christ.”

Its goal is Spiritual Maturity: What is Discipleship? Its goal is Spiritual Maturity: “Too often disciple-making has been understood as preaching the gospel, helping a penitent pray the sinner’s prayer, or offering a compelling case for Christian belief. Disciple-making surely includes all these things, but it has as its goal Christian maturity.”

What is Discipleship? A key leader in Africa has stated of the evangelical movement there: “The church in Africa is one mile long, but only one inch deep. Discipleship is not information, but character formation.”

What is Discipleship? “And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others.” 2 Timothy 2:2

Why Focus On Discipleship? If churches continue to do what we’ve always done, we’re going to get what we’ve always gotten. Current reality…

Why Discipleship? “Consequently, you are … fellow citizens with God’s people and members of God’s household, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone. In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord. And in him you are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit.” – Ephesians 2:19-22

Why Discipleship? We need to ask: What does a spiritually mature believer look like? How do I recognize a disciple of Christ? What is our church doing to ensure that we produce spiritually mature believers? Do we have an intentional disciple-making plan? Do I understand how our plan works?

Why Discipleship? “Disciples don’t just happen. They’re developed through intentional planning and the effort of a community of believers. You, too, can make disciples in your church. But it won’t just happen. You need to decide what you’re going to do and how to do it.”

1. Define Disciple-Making 2. Describe the way we are beginning to do it

Following Jesus Training Is about developing disciples who will lead our churches into the future

Discipleship Training on Sunday Nights has begun… Building slowly Involving multiple churches Using both Fall & Spring semesters Focus is on both curriculum and the importance of building relationships.

Discipleship Training Strengths Balance of teaching & group discussion Trains everyone to facilitate the group Begins to develop future spiritual leaders Uses multiple presenters

Discipleship Training Weaknesses Not enough time for group life Memorization may be difficult Could still be seen as a program, rather than a process based on relationships

Discipleship Training COST? No charge currently, a one-time offering to cover printing appreciated

Discipleship Training Comments promotes/develops biblical habits (disciplines) Has been very practical Has offered accountability Includes support and caring Being able to download lessons online has been helpful

Why Discipleship? We need to ask: What does a spiritually mature believer look like? How do I recognize a disciple of Christ? What is our church doing to ensure that we produce spiritually mature believers? Are we developing an intentional disciple-making plan?

Measuring the immeasurable… “It’s easy to fall into the trap of measuring only what’s easy to measure. Our real job is to figure out what’s significant to the organization and to the people who actually do work and find ways together of measuring what’s significant. That’s tough. That’s essential. That’s beginning to reach for potential.” - Max Dupree


Why Is Following Jesus Training working? People are hungry for 1) spiritual growth, 2) accountability, 3) community and 4) Spirit-led ministry and service! God’s Timing! Our Discipleship Training is both simple and difficult to implement. However, it is doable for every church that wants to be involved.


Discipleship Training gently facilitates a right hand column thinking & mindset SHORT LONG & SUSTAINED EASY DIFFICULT QUICK ENDING BEGINNING EVENT ON-GOING

Discipleship Training gently facilitates a right hand column thinking & mindset INSTANT ___ SEVERAL YEARS DIET LIFESTYLE HABITS (BAD) HABITS (GOOD) TRYING TRAINING LAZZIE-FAIRE DISCIPLINED


How does “Following Jesus” work? We encourage prayer partners We encourage accountability Teaching of spiritual disciplines through Bible study and memorization We want a process more focused on formation rather than information Committed to having fun

Concerns/Problems/Learning Our Experience Thus Far… OR Don’t Get Your Hopes Up! There is no Quick FIX

Road Blocks to Discipleship Success time availability pastoral interest Program mentality logistical issues Preparation time Scripture memorization spiritual maturity

How Any Disciple-Making Works! Spiritual success relies on relationships, listening, encouraging, accountability, and a time commitment from everyone what is involved. It is hard, slow people work! But it is SO worth it!

How does “Following Jesus” work? It is the future for helping ReStart & ReLaunch churches It is the future for assessing existing churches to help them build a Church Action Plan to move forward It is the future for providing a District Qualified Coach to every pastor that needs one It all flows out of discipling relationships.

Website to Serve You www.onecml.org

“How To Build A Life-Changing Disciple-Making Process” “The strength and influence of the church is wholly dependent upon its commitment to true discipleship.” - George Barna Growing True Disciples