Review 1. The evaluation and judgment of humanity begins with God's people - 4:17 2. God's people have their lives saved into glory through difficulties - 4:18 3. Unbelievers don't have the resources believers have a face destruction - 4:18 4. We should, therefore, entrust ourselves to God by doing right - 4:19
Grace Through Serving - 1 Peter 5:1 "Elders" = those who direct the local church. 1 Tim. 5:17 An office earned by character. 1 Tim. 3:1-7
Grace Through Serving - 1 Peter 5:1 Peter puts himself on the level of the elders; one of the "guys". He was also a witness to Christ's suffering and one who would share in future glory. He saw the pattern in Christ.
Grace Through Serving - 1 Peter 5:1 Peter also heard instruction about future glory in the Kingdom! Luke 22:24-29
Grace Through Serving - 1 Peter 5:2 Elders are to lead the local church. Three important considerations in leading.
Grace Through Serving - 1 Peter 5: Don't serve because you have to (1 Tim. 3:1) 2. Don't serve simply for financial gain (1 Cor. 9:6-14; Gal. 6:6-10) 3. Serve as "servant leaders" to lead others to become "servant kings"
Grace Through Serving - 1 Peter 5:4 Elders receive special reward for serving as He served. Every believer has a chance for a greater share of glory by faithful service.
Grace Through Serving - 1 Peter 5:5 Those who are younger should also show a servant's attitude toward their elders. In fact, churches are to be characterized by a submissive, servant's heart toward one another.
Grace Through Serving - 1 Peter 5:2 Peter had heard this discussion often. Matt. 20:20-28
Grace Through Serving - 1 Peter 5:5 A primary reason this was so critical is that God gives grace to humble people, but opposes those who are proud.
Grace Through Serving - 1 Peter 5:5 Saving our lives for future glory is aided by other believers with servant's hearts. Grace is necessary to navigate life's difficulties. Humility become a key to survival and success!
Grace Through Serving - 1 Peter 5:6 Because grace is necessary for us, humility is also a necessary part of our lives. There is a timing to life; to difficulties and to exaltation.
Grace Through Serving - 1 Peter 5:6-7 Because God has control, during difficult times, roll your concerns unto Him. He not only possesses all power to help, what you go through matters to Him.
Grace Through Serving - 1 Peter 5:8 We need to be serious and watchful because Satan desires wants to destroy our lives! A roaring lion seeks to scare its prey into mistakes that will end up taking its life.
Grace Through Serving - 1 Peter 5:8 Peter understood! Luke 22:24-32 Humility, service, reward in the Kingdom, and Satan's desire to take us out. Luke 12: alert and watchful Mark 13: "watch" 3Xs
Grace Through Serving - 1 Peter 5:8-9 Peter had also learned the answers! The way to resist Satan starts with faith. That is precisely the area of battle. Luke 22:32
Grace Through Serving - 1 Peter 5:9 Important to remember that you are not alone. It's not foreign to any believer, yet all of us struggle with feeling "singled out" and alone.
Grace Through Serving - 1 Peter 5:10-11 God has gracious purposes for our lives!
Grace Through Serving - 1 Peter 5:12 What Peter has taught us is the path of grace and power. We need to cling to his instruction!
Grace Through Serving - 1 Peter 5:13-14 Mark had been discipled by Peter. It is interesting that Mark's gospel emphasizes Jesus as the Suffering Servant.
Grace Through Serving - 1 Peter 5:13-14 Not surprisingly, Mark's gospel closes with an emphasis that Peter makes. We are only delivered in life when we are baptized by the Spirit. 1 Peter 3:20 with Mark 16:16
Grace Through Serving - 1 Peter 5:13-14 It is in who we are and the power that has been made available to us by His grace that we can save our lives into a great eternity!
When we stand in grace through trials, we invest in a better future to reign with and to honor Jesus Christ in a greater way!
The salvation of the soul is accomplished through the sufferings of godly believers