1 National Programme of Nutritional Support to Primary Education. Mid Day Meal Scheme.
Menu for MDMs displayed in schools
15th August 1995 : 3 Kg dry food grain/month. November 2003 : 3140 Government Schools in 19 districts. October 2007 : Extended to Upper Primary Schools. The Launch
Food material per child per meal Sl. No Type of material Per child per food Primary (1-5)Upper Primary (6-8) 1 Grain 100 gms150 gms 2 Pulses 20 gms30 gms 3 Vegetable (Leafy) 50 gms 75 gms 4 Oils and fats 5 gms7.5 gms 5 Salts and spices According to need
Cooking cost per child per meal Year PrimaryUpper Primary *Remarks CentralStateTotalCentralStateTotal Proposed As per GoI norms State Government is to contribute minimum 25% towards cooking cost. State Government of Jharkhand contributes more than 25% towards cooking cost in the interest of students.
MDM- Components (Sharing Pattern) Component Central State Food Grain:100% 0 Cooking Cost:75%25% Honorarium to cook-cum-helper:75%25% Management Monitoring Evaluation:100% 0 Transportation Cost:100%0 Cost of Food grain:100%0 Kitchen Shed:75%25% Kitchen Utensils: 100% 0 To maintain quality of food Jharkhand State contribute Rs per child per meal for primary and Rs per child per meal for upper primary towards cooking cost which is more than 25%.
Size of Programme Year Sl. No. ComponentsSanctioned Central Allocation Required State Allocation Remarks 1Food Grains MTNIL100% central allocation 2Cooking CostRs LakhRs lakhGoJ contributes more than required State allocation 3Honorarium to cook- cum-helper Rs lakhRs lakh 4MMERs lakhNIL100% central allocation 5TCRs lakhNIL100% central allocation 6Kitchen ShedRs lakhRs lakhCentral release of Rs for schools couldn’t be allocated to districts. 7Cost of Food grainsRs lakhNIL100% central allocation
No. of Institutions Schools Availing MDM Year
No. meals served Number of meals served Year till Dec, 2011
no. of Children Children availing MDM (including NCLP) Year till Dec, 2011
Food grains in Mt.Ton Allotment, Lifting and Utilization of food grains for FY till Dec, 2011 (1 to 5) 70% 69% * Note-percentage of lifting and utilization is against allocation.
Food grains in Mt.Ton Allotment, Lifting and Utilization of food grains for FY till Dec, 2011 (6 to 8) * Note-percentage of lifting and utilization is against allocation. 63% 68%
Cooking Cost ( Lakh Rs.) Utilization of cooking cost (central + state) till Dec, 2011(1 to 8) * Note-percentage of utilization is against allocation.
Amount (in Lakh Rs.) Utilization of MME and transport assistance till Dec, 2011 (1 to 8)
Construction of Kitchen Shed to till Dec, 2011 Amount (in Lakh Rs.)
Proposals for MDMS : (no. of children/ no. of days) PrimaryUpper Primary Total No. of Children24,53,4838,79,71933,33,202 No. of working days251 * Note – The proposal is made on the basis of actual no. of average children. The no. of children is expected to increase by 10%.
Programme Performance till Dec, 2011 ComponentsSanctionedUtilizationPercentage Utilization No. of Schools No. of Children35,00, Food grains MTs MTs69 Cooking Cost Honorarium to cook-cum-helper Cost of Food grains MME TA
Release of Central and State Share to districts In FY (till March, 2012) (in lakh Rs.) Sl. No.Component Release for Central and State For Central ShareFor State ShareTotal 1Cooking cost (1 to 5) Cooking cost (6 to 8) Honorarium to cook- cum-helper M.M.E265.54NIL TC316.33NIL Kitchen-cum-store Kitchen Devices0.00 8Cost of Food grains NIL Total
Financial Proposals for MDMS : (All figures in lakh Rs.) Sl. No. ComponentPrimaryUpper PrimaryGrand total For Central Share For State Share TotalFor Central Share For State Share Total Recurring Assistance 1Cost of Food grain Cooking Cost Honorarium to Cook-cum- Helper Transportation Assistance MME Non Recurring Assistance 6 Kitchen-cum-Store 1.62, 2.18, 2.96 and 4.41)) Kitchen Devices per set) Total * Note - No of children enrolled may increase in Therefore at least 10 percent increase in Budget provision may be considered for in recurring assistance.
Budget Provision for FY (in lakh Rs.) Sl. No.Component Budget Provision for For Central ShareFor State ShareTotal 1 Cooking cost and honorarium to cook-cum-helper M.M.E734.00NIL TC860.00NIL Kitchen-cum-store Kitchen Devices NIL Cost of Food grains NIL Total
Comprehensive micro level monitoring system put in place. »State level Monitoring Cell. »District level Monitoring Cell. »Block level monitoring Cell. Capacity Building of Saraswati Vahini, Monitoring Personnel and DSEs. »Hygienic food preparation. »Food Safety. »Standard Protocols and SOPs. Intensive field monitoring by assigning one officer with one districts. Zero tolerance policy against any sort of break in MDMs. Initiatives
Sense of accountability and responsibility in the officials and teachers about the MDMS. Mid Day Meal is served in almost all the schools on all the school days. Sensitivity about the scheme in all the stake holders. but there is a long long way to go… Achievements
Every school should have a MDM Inspection Register. Inspecting Officer have to write following inspection note- a. Actual number of benefited children. b. Quality of Mid-Day-Meal i. Type of food. ii. Whether the quantity of food was proper for every child and whether all children ate the food sufficiently ? iii. Whether the quantity of pulse, vegetables and fats in food were sufficient and proper ? iv. Whether the Hygiene and food safety were maintained ? v. Whether the food were tasted by Headmaster/ Village Education Committee/ Assistant Teacher before serving the meal to the children ? Inspection
vi. What were the opinions of children about the quantity, types and quality of food ?. vii. Whether the children were washing their hands before and after the meal ? viii. Whether the utensils in appropriate no. were available for cooking the food at once for all the children c. How much amount of cooking cost and food grains was available with Saraswati Vahini and for how many days ? d.Whether the supervision of Mid-Day-Meal was going on in proper way ? Inspection
Chief Secretary Jharkhand has given direction to all Deputy Commissioners to entrust the District Officer of different Line Departments to also inspect the schools. To avoid mishaps pertaining to the mid-day-meal the department has issued detailed directives, for hygienic storage of edible and consumable articles and for keeping the kitchen shed and drinking water facilities in proper shape. A directive has been given to all concerned that repetition of occurrence of such event should be immediately stopped. Continuous monitoring is also done at state level meeting and necessary direction are given to all concerned officers regarding proper functioning of the MDM scheme and for providing hygienic and nutritious food to all eligible children. To avoid any mishap in the MDMs directions have been given that before serving meal to the children, it should be tasted by the headmaster of that school and a member of Village Education Committee and only after finding it safe it should be served to the children and all the teachers must be present in the schools when the children eat food. A direction has also been issued for adopting safety measures in MDMs during rainy seasons. Directions
Cooking by Saraswati Vahini Flow of funds and Provisions a.Cooking Cost b.MME c.Transportation Cost d.Kitchen Devices e.Kitchen Shed FCIHRD:DPE District Wise allotment of food grains SFCDC/DEO Block GodownsVEC SchoolsChairman and Convener MDM to Students Food grains
Community participation in management of MDM. Saraswati Vahini, a committee of mothers whose wards are studying in the school is primarily responsible for management of MDM. The bank account is operated jointly by sanyojika of Saraswati Vahini and president of VEC. Effective management of MDM through Bal Sansad (Child Cabinet)- Bal Sansad counts the no. of children present and informs Saraswati Vahini, monitors cleanliness by ensuring that every child washes his/her hand before taking MDM, ensures children sit in rows while taking MDM and also helps in distribution. Popular film on Mid Day Meal for effective advocation - UNICEF in collaboration with education department of Jharkhand has developed few films on MDM. Film shows the objective of the scheme, coverage, issue of malnutrition, community participation, safety, precautions of cooking, dress code, cleanliness of Saraswati Vahini and food preparation. Equity issues address in MDM- For MDM all children sit together irrespective of their caste, culture and religion. Saraswati Vahini members who manage cooking and serving of MDM, are selected without any discrimination of caste and religion. Best practices
In Ranchi district Deputy Commissioner has conceptualized an innovative convergence programme for supply of fresh vegetables to each school and Anganwadi center in the district. DSE and DSWO of the district are coordinating this activity under the guidance of the Deputy Commissioner, Ranchi. This concept is to add value to the quality and nutritional level of MDM. Innovative practices
Our Strengths and weaknesses Community participation in management and supervision of MDM through Saraswati Vahini – a group of parent mothers. Daily telephonic monitoring at State, District and Block Level. Fund flow in remote schools gets delayed where nationalized bank are not situated. Lack of separate Directorate for MDM.