Connect Platform Port from Sun Glassfish to IBM WebSphere CONNECT Code-A-Thon - September 21-22,, Inc. - Powerful Results. Delivered. SM
About AEGIS Introductions The Mission (Why?) The Plan (How?) Successes/Challenges (Lessons) CONNECT Changes (Coding/Deployment) CONNECT Integration (Make It Official) Incomplete Tasks (Testing!) Demo Open Discussion (Q&A), Inc. - Powerful Results. Delivered. SM 2
Founded in 1996 Based in Rockville, MD ISO 9001:2008 Certified Rated CMMI Dev v1.2 Maturity Level 3 SBA Registered Small Business GSA Schedule 70 Contract #GS-35F0125S Facilities Clearance: DoD Secret, Inc. - Powerful Results. Delivered. SM 3
Challenged by potential Federal/Commercial Health IT projects requiring NHIN Gateways which run on Production supported platforms - AEGIS undertook an R&D effort to evaluate the feasibility of porting Connect 2.4.x to IBM WebSphere. While not 100% complete - the effort has achieve an initial answer - Yes, Connect can run on IBM WebSphere., Inc. - Powerful Results. Delivered. SM 5
8 Entrust Certificates Metro 1.5 Web Service Endpoint Re-definition Deployment / Un-deployment IBM WebSphere Installation Environment
IBM WebSphere generates PKCS12 keystores [P12] by default with a self-signed certificate for the current machine. CONNECT 2.4.x uses Sun Java keystores [JKS] IBM JDK doesn’t like Sun Java keystores Need to import the Entrust certificates into IBM Java keystores Implement “Configuring FIPS JSSE files”, ensure FIPS compliance, Inc. - Powerful Results. Delivered.SM9
Lots of forum discussions – does it or doesn’t it work? Yes, if you do this… ◦ Disable IBM’s default AXIS service: ◦ Place the Metro libraries in your web application deployment – WEB-INF/lib ◦ Configure IBM WebSphere Classloader for each web application to “Parent Last”; i.e. Application First, Inc. - Powerful Results. Delivered.SM10
The Metro 1.5 web services stack (in IBM WebSphere) requires all endpoints definitions in a “sun-jaxws.xml” configuration file Glassfish auto-generates the required artifacts ; IBM WebSphere does not, Inc. - Powerful Results. Delivered.SM11
Current deployment method uses “wsadmin” command line tool with jacl script CONNECT modules are deployed using current order Un-deployment (un-install) must occur in reverse order to insure proper “clean up” of registered web services / endpoints, Inc. - Powerful Results. Delivered.SM12
IBM WebSphere version is with Fix Pack 9 Installation type is “Application Server”; i.e. stand-alone Do we need to support version 6.1.x? Configuration and testing of other installation types is needed, Inc. - Powerful Results. Delivered.SM13
Running on DELL PE R710 Dual Processor, 48 Gb RAM Windows 2003 Server x64 IBM WebSphere bit, Fix pack 9 IBM J9 VM (build 2.4, JRE IBM J9 amd jvmwa6460sr _54049, Inc. - Powerful Results. Delivered.SM14
IBM vs. Sun JDK (we’re not in Kansas anymore) Hard-coded Internal Endpoint URLs Metro 1.5 Configuration Endpoint Configuration WSDL File Names Web Applications – Java Server Faces Log4J Implementation, Inc. - Powerful Results. Delivered.SM15
Sun JDK packages not available in IBM JDK ◦ Per Sun documentation, the internal packages should not be used and may be removed in a future release Solution: This package was found to be not needed as the org.apache.xerces.dom package provides the required classes ◦ This is a Sun JDK only package Solution: Re-code to use IBM JDK package Both issues isolated to one project and class ◦ NhincCommonLib ◦ gov.hhs.fha.nhinc.saml.extraction.SamlTokenExtractor, Inc. - Powerful Results. Delivered.SM16, Inc. - Powerful Results. Delivered.SM17 18 hard-coded endpoints in code base Example – Patient Discovery GatewayInternalComponentProxy project gov.hhs.fha.nhinc.patientcorrelationfacade.helper.TransformHelper tCorrelationFacadeDteService ◦ Need a way to dynamically assign port numbers or entire URL – e.g. use Down to 5 hard-coded endpoints in 3.1 code base, Inc. - Powerful Results. Delivered.SM18 Need new entry in web.xml MetroLibraryPort MetroLibraryService Endpoint for Metro Library Service 1 MetroLibraryPort /, Inc. - Powerful Results. Delivered.SM19 Comment or remove the servlet mappings in “web.xml” for all the endpoints and re-define them in “sun-jaxws.xml”. <!-- Commented web.xml servlet DocumentRegistryService gov.hhs.fha.nhinc.document.DocumentRegistryService DocumentRegistryService /DocumentRegistry_Service --> <endpoint name="DocumentRegistryService" implementation="gov.hhs.fha.nhinc.document.DocumentRegistryService" url-pattern="/DocumentRegistry_Service" wsdl-location="WEB-INF/wsdl/DocumentRegistryService/AdapterComponentDocRegistry.wsdl"/> …, Inc. - Powerful Results. Delivered.SM20 The IBM WebSphere application server does not “like” the same named WSDL file to be used in multiple web service endpoints. Example from AdapterWeb <endpoint name="ProxyHiemSubscribe" implementation="gov.hhs.fha.nhinc.hiem.entity.proxy.ProxyHiemSubscribe" url-pattern="/NhincProxyNotificationProducer" wsdl-location="WEB-INF/wsdl/ProxyHiemSubscribe/NhincProxySubscriptionManagement.wsdl"/> <endpoint name="ProxyHiemUnsubscribe" implementation="gov.hhs.fha.nhinc.hiem.entity.proxy.ProxyHiemUnsubscribe" url-pattern="/NhincProxySubscriptionManager" wsdl-location="WEB-INF/wsdl/ProxyHiemUnsubscribe/NhincProxySubscriptionManagement.wsdl"/>, Inc. - Powerful Results. Delivered. SM 21 The web applications use JSF libraries of which one, “jsf-impl.jar”, is already in the IBM WebSphere libraries Current workaround to avoid this conflict is to simply remove this library from the web application’s WEB-INF/lib folder
Follow instructions on the IBM WebSphere 7 Information Center site: bsphere.nd.doc/info/ae/ae/ttrb_classload_jcl.html Minor change – based on the version of Log4J deployed in the CONNECT modules ◦ The log class to assign is org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Log4JLogger, Inc. - Powerful Results. Delivered.SM22
AEGIS’ Goal Helping the CONNECT community integrate these changes into the core product ◦ Provide development platform(s) ◦ Provide testing and integration ◦ Etc., Inc. - Powerful Results. Delivered.SM23
We are not production ready yet ◦ This effort was a “see if it can be done” ◦ Now that we know it can, we need to move to the next level ◦ Automated build process integration ◦ Full regression testing ◦ NHIN Conformance testing ◦ Performance and Stress testing ◦ 24/48/96 hour Burn-In ◦ Clustering ◦ Etc., Inc. - Powerful Results. Delivered.SM24
Stand-alone installation ◦ Successful Deployment and Server Start Up ◦ Updated SoapUI Tests Gateway to Gateway (2 Servers) ◦ WebSphere to Glassfish ◦ WebSphere to WebSphere, Inc. - Powerful Results. Delivered.SM25, Inc. - Powerful Results. Delivered. SM 26