MFA Through ADFS University of Washington Customized its ADFS to Enable MFA Eric Kool-Brown ( Software Engineer, UW IT Identity and Access Management
ADFS Auth Flow
Home Realm Discovery Customization UW WebLogin (Shibboleth SAMLP) added to ADFS as second claims trust provider (CTP) ADFS 2.0 implements Home Realm Discovery through an ASP.Net web page that by default gives the user a choice of which CTP to use UW IT modified this ASP.Net page to automatically redirect to WebLogin for most Relying Parties (RPs) Several RPs requested two-factor authentication WebLogin supports MFA via Entrust tokens HRD .Net code does a URL rewrite to add the TimeSyncToken parameter for RPs that require 2-factor
Observations No step-up authentication – it is all or nothing per RP Currently code modifications and XML config file need to be on each ADFS server Unknown if these modifications are possible with ADFS 3.0 A web app written to be a SAMLP service provider can request step- up auth at any point (no ADFS in this scenario) UW WebLogin must release all RP-requested attributes on every auth request; claims rules filter them per-RP Could share the UW code, unsure what the licensing would be due to the original code being owned by Microsoft
switch (entry.HrdAction) { case RpHrdActions.GotoShib: // Default action if (CheckWauthForShib(false)) SelectHomeRealm(UwShibUrn); } break; case RpHrdActions.GotoShib2Factor: if (CheckWauthForShib(true)) return; case RpHrdActions.GotoAd: // An empty string means go to AD for auth. SelectHomeRealm(""); case RpHrdActions.ShowHrdPage: PassiveIdentityProvidersDropDownList.DataSource = ClaimsProviders; PassiveIdentityProvidersDropDownList.DataBind();
// If Shib will be used for authentication, make sure a valid wauth parameter is included. // For ordinary password login to Shib the wauth can either be null (not included in the params) // or be Saml2Constants.AuthenticationContextClasses.PasswordProtectedTransport. If 2-factor is // required then wauth must be Saml2Constants.AuthenticationContextClasses.TimeSyncToken. private bool CheckWauthForShib(bool require2factor) { Uri url = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url; NameValueCollection urlParamNvc = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(url.Query); string requiredWauth = require2factor ? Saml2Constants.AuthenticationContextClasses.TimeSyncToken.ToString() : Saml2Constants.AuthenticationContextClasses.PasswordProtectedTransport.ToString(); if (urlParamNvc[Wauth] != requiredWauth && (require2factor || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(urlParamNvc[Wauth]))) LogInfo("Did not find wauth param with value {0}", requiredWauth); urlParamNvc.Set(Wauth, requiredWauth); string redirect = url.AbsolutePath + "?" + urlParamNvc; LogInfo("Redirecting to {0}", redirect); Response.Redirect(redirect, true); return false; } return true;