Innovation Survey in Manufacturing Industry Rizka Rahmaida Presented in: Innovation Session 2011 South East Asian Regional Workshop On Science, Technology, and Innovation Indicators Hanoi, Vietnam, December 5-8, 2011 Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) Center for Science and Technology Development Studies (PAPPIPTEK)
Information Innovation Acivities Manufacturing Industry To provide information regarding activities of the innovation surveys conducted in Indonesia and the description of the innovation activities in manufacturing sector in Indonesia
CONTENTS Survey Techniques and Methods Problems in Conducting Survey 4 Purposes of The Survey 1 Our Future Plans 5 Main Results 3
Purposes of The Survey
PURPOSES Obtaining data and information about innovation activities Conducting initial analysis to the innovation activities and their implication to the manufacturing sector Planning and evaluation of S&T
SURVEY ROUNDS Census Survey in Java and Sumatera Area only. Data collected with R&D survey (combined in questionnaire) First Survey (2000) Survey in all Indonesian regions Census survey for large scale companies, and proportional sampling for medium scale companies Data collected with R&D survey (combined in questionnaire) Second Survey (2006) Sampling survey in innovative companies with proportional sampling frame based on provincial and industry groups (ISIC) Survey conducted separately from R&D Survey Third Survey (2009)
Survey Techniques and Methods
COVERAGE Provincies Firm Scale ISIC Stratified Random Sampling 27,000 companies 15 Medium Scale Java Island (6 provincies) North Sumatera Large Scale 37 to Based on Innovation Survey in Manufacturing Industry, % of population
OUR GUDELINES Types of Innovation: ProductProcess Based on Innovation Survey in Manufacturing Industry, 2009
DATA COLLECTION In-person interview 1,500 samples 1,341 responds Respond rate: 89.4% Based on Innovation Survey in Manufacturing Industry, 2009
Main Results
INNOVATION ACTIVITY Distribution of innovation activity based on innovation output Most firms (68%) applied both types of innovation Based on Innovation Survey in Manufacturing Industry, 2009
INNOVATION ACTOR Both in Product and Process innovation, companies mostly performed their innovation activities on their own firms This indicated low collaboration and entrust in performing innovation activities Both in Product and Process innovation, companies mostly performed their innovation activities on their own firms This indicated low collaboration and entrust in performing innovation activities Based on Innovation Survey in Manufacturing Industry, 2009
INFLUENCE OF INFORMATION’S SOURCE Based on Innovation Survey in Manufacturing Industry, 2009
IMPACTS OF INNOVATION Based on Innovation Survey in Manufacturing Industry, 2009
INNOVATION’S OBSTACLES Based on Innovation Survey in Manufacturing Industry, 2009
Our Problems and Future Plans
PROBLEMS IN CONDUCTING SURVEY Manufacturing Industry Sector Weakness of the survey method. Database industries are incomplete and inadequate, Respondents' lack of knowledge about concepts and types innovation, Limited access to obtain information from the Company.
OUR FUTURE PLANS To conduct the survey biannually To develop database of industrial manufacture To conduct in-depth studies
Thank You Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) Center for Science and Technology Development Studies (PAPPIPTEK)