ANNUAL WORK PLAN & BUDGET –2015-16 in Andhra Pradesh National Programme of Mid Day Meals in Schools in Andhra Pradesh Project Approval Board Meeting on 06th February,2015 Department of School Education GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH 1 1 28.4.14 1
No. of Districts 13 No. of Mandals 664 + 7 No. Of Municipalities 101 No. Of Mpl Corps. No. of Habitations 49,373 Population 4,93,86,799 Child Population (6-14) 68,08,478 Agency districts Srikakulam, Vizianagaram, Visakhapatnam, East Godavari West Godavari A.P.Demography Andhra Pradesh
Mid Day Meal Scheme Objectives: Launched in January, 2003 for Primary Schools (Classes I-V). Extended to Upper Primary (Classes VI to VIII) in Oct’2008 Extended to (Classes IX & X) in Oct’2008 with 100% State funds Extended to NCLP Special Schools from 2010-11 Extended to Model Schools from the year 2013-14. Objectives: To avoid classroom hunger, to increase school enrolment, to increase school attendance, to reduce gender gap, fostering social equality, to address malnutrition, promoting schools participation, woman empowerment. 28.4.14 3
Quantity per day per child Food Norms SI. No Items Quantity per day per child Primary Upper Primary 1 Food Grains 100 grms 150 grms 2 Pulses 20 grms 30 gms 3 Vegetables 50 gms 75 gms 4 Oil & Fat 5 gms 7.5 gms 5 Salt & Condiments As per need Menu is flexible, with cooked rice, dal and vegetables, sambar, “Pulihora” being generally the main menu, with egg twice a week and banana to students who do not eat eggs Cooking Cost (2014-15) Sl. No Category Unit Cost Central State* Total 1 Primary Rs.2.69 Rs.1.91 Rs. 4.60 2 Upper Primary Rs.4.04 Rs.2.34 Rs. 6.38 *Enhances every year by 7.5% from 1st July, onwards. * Including Rs.1/- Additional given by State. 4
Children are being provide with two eggs per week 5
(Released under Green channel) Budget Provision 2014-15 (Released under Green channel) (Rs. In Lakhs) Component Classes I – VIII releases Expenditure Budget Provision Central Share State Share (*incl.Rs.1 Addnl) Released under Green channel Cost of Food-grains 4795.88 3537.83 1356.55 4894.38 2563.03 Cooking Cost 37074.52 19799.98 *11063.69 30863.67 24904.24 Honorarium to CCHs 10209.90 5886.40 1163.60 7050.00 Transportation Cost 630.32 471.42 463.62 MME 638.96 419.17 157.69 TOTAL 53349.58 30114.8 13583.84 43698.64 35138.58 6 28.4.14 6 6
Release of Food Grains & Payment to FCI In MTs (In MTs) Items Primary Upper Primary & NCLP Total Allocation I & IV Quarters 44680.287 43684.227 88364.514 Lifted (up to Dec,2014) 33510.215 32763.170 66273.385 Payment to FCI: As on 31.12.2014 Bills raised by FCI (In MTs) Payment to FCI (in Lakhs) % Qty (in MTs) Amount 91% 51577.485 2817.55 47893.123 2563.03 No pending bills of previous years. All are cleared, only current Quarter is in progress.
Achievement 2014-15 Primary (I-V) 36778 2260881 36407 2088865 36587 Type of Schools Enrolment As per PAB Approval Achievement Schools Children Primary (I-V) 36778 2260881 36407 2088865 36587 1863920 NCLP 72 4365 4265 59 3168 Upper Pmry. (VI-VIII) 11096 1313607 11142 1136014 11058 1116777 TOTAL 47946 35,78,853 47,621 3229144 47704 29,83,865 220 working days PS / UPS, 302 working days for NCLP Schools Due to improved monitoring system, and due to linkage of Adhaar seeding the miss-matching is addressed. 8 28.4.14 8 8
Construction of Kitchen Sheds Budget Provision in Crores Phase No.of works Sanctioned Budget Provision in Crores Releases in Crores Works Completed Works in Progress To be started Expenditure in Crores I 31213 187.28 74.61 9087 9153 12793 II 13103 196.54 *125.05 287 3177 9639 98.27 TOTAL 383.82 199.66 9374 12330 22432 172.88 Percentage - 21% 28% 51% Remarks: Proposals submitted to Govt of AP to Release of funds for Phase I. * And Phase II budget released and kept in CPO accounts in the districts, works are in progress. 9
Construction of Kitchen Sheds Progress Works Completed Works in Progress In Progress To be started 2013-14 6811 4662 33402 Percentage 15% 10% 74% 2014-15 9374 12330 22432 21% 28% 51% 10
Non-Governmental Organizations Area of Coverage Implementing agency Schools covered children covered Visakhapatnam (Urban) Naandi Foundation Akshaya Patra 152 40010 East Godavari ISKCON 51 12628 Buddavarapu Charitable Trust 144 15159 Chittoor 485 45782 Sri.Kalahasti Devastanam Trust 37 4634 Nellore 316 37541 Kadapa 125 13372 Anathapur AKSHYA PATRA NARAYANA REDDY 100 11311 TOTAL 1410 180437 Centralized Kitchens : Public Private Partnership mode. Food is prepared in Centralized Kitchens and transported to Schools. 11
Centralized Kitchens 12
MIS – Online Data Entry - status as on 2014-15 Total Schools: 47502
Institutions - Existing Vs MDM Covered 2014-15 36,646 No. of Institutions
Children : PAB Approval Vs Achievement 2014-15 No. of Children
Foodgrains - Allocation , Lifting and Payment 2014-15 28.18 Cr 25.63 Cr 618816.018 MTs 100% 100% 75% 90%
Transportation Assistance - Releases Vs Expenditure 2014-15 6.30 Cr 100% 4.64 Cr 72%
MME - Releases Vs Expenditure 2014-15 6.38 Cr 100% 1.58 Cr 25%
Honorarium to Cook cum Helper - Allotment and Expenditure 2014-15 102099 102099 70.50 Cr 70.50 Cr Primary & Upper Primary 69% 69%
Achievement up to 2014-15 (Kitchen cum Stores) Total Allocation : 44316 Kitchen Cum Stores 9374 constructed till 2014-15, 12330 constructed during 2014-15 22612 KS Progress (in %) 12330 KS 9374 KS
Proposals for AWP & B - 2015-16 Sl.No Details Proposals 1 Children & CCHs & W.days Sl.No Details Proposals 1 Children, (Pry) Average Meals taken 18,63,920 2 Children (UP) Average Meals taken 11,16,777 3 NCLP Average Meals taken 3168 TOTAL 29,83,865 4 CCHs 1,02,099 5 Working Days 220 6 Working Days NCLP 302 21
Sl.No Stage Quantity In MTs 1. 2. 3. TOTAL Proposals for AWP & B - 2015-16 Requirement of Food grains 2015-16 Sl.No Stage Quantity In MTs 1. Primary Classes (I-V) 41006.240 2. Upper Primary Classes (VI-VIII) 36853.641 3. Special Schools (NCLP) 143.510 TOTAL 78003.391 22
Requirement of Budget for 2015-16 Rs in Lakhs Component Primary Upper Primary NCLP TOTAL Central State Cost of Food-grains 2340.02 0.00 2103.05 8.19 4451.26 Cooking Cost 11727.78 8076.18 10552.43 5958.01 41.1 23.2 36378.70 Transport Charges 307.55 276.40 1.08 585.03 MME 354.01 275.35 0.91 630.27 Honorarium to CCHs 5291.85 1763.95 2365.58 788.52 10209.90 Total 20021.21 9840.13 15572.81 6746.53 51.28 23.20 52255.16 *The Budget requirement is prepared on the basis of 3 QPRs average MDM availed i.e., 1863920 (PS) 1116777 (Ups) and 3168(NCLP) 23 28.4.14 23 23
Best practices followed… Green Channel scheme for uninterrupted flow of funds and budget for whole year released by State Govt. in April every year. Rs. 87.5 crs, of Rs.1/- as additional cooking cost by State Govt. Rs.177 crs for coverage of IX and X class children, by State Govt. (100% State share) Monthly monitoring by the State officials through Video conference / Review meetings. Cook cum Helpers Training with UNICEF support. SRPs and cluster level training being conducted. NIN (National Institution of Nutrition) – advised recipe to provide quality food under MDM Programme is communicated all schools Child Right Cell established by AP SSA, RVM, being utilised for Grievance redressal of MDM Scheme 24
Teachers are tasting Mid Day Meals during serving of Mid Day Meal in East Godavari Dist.
Recent initiative : A state level advertisement is given to entrust agencies for independent monitoring. It will be finalized soon (organization like University, CGG, NIRD showed interest). It is proposed to post one Revenue Officer at District level to monitor food grains movement. It is also proposed to take one DRO cadre officer at State level to liaison the Civil Supplies Department. Aadhar linkage has saved substantial leakages (Mandal level enrolment and food supplying is being monitored). This will also help to avoid data mis-matching. Biometric attendance & MDM Pilot in 5 districts Social audit done in Chittoor district as pilot basis. Will extend to other districts MIS Data of all Mandals is being entered as per GoI instructions.
ISSUES Enhancing of honorarium to Cook cum Helpers from Rs.1000/- to at least Rs.2000/- per month. Enhancement of Construction cost of Kitchen Sheds phase-I from Rs.60,000 to Rs.1,50,000 lakhs. At present GOAP is providing for IX & X classes with 100% state fund. Now the GOI may include IX & X classes in the Scheme. 27
Thank you 28