God created everything with WORDS, but man He CREATED WITH HIS HANDS. Clay in the hand of the Father can proclaim the ABILITY and TALENT of the Potter. What the HAND of the Potter does is very important:
1.A Hand that WEDGES and makes the clay plyable, but WEDGES strength and QUALITY INTO IT. 2. A Hand that PLACES the CLAY on the potters-wheel. 3. A Hand that FORMS the clay. 4. A Hand that “deforms”, restores or REFORMS the clay. 5.A Hand that removes the clay product to be dried as FINAL FORM. 6. A Hand that places the dry vessel IN THE KILN (FIRE).
7. A Hand that REMOVES the VESSEL FROM THE KILN (FIRE) and LOOKS FOR FLAWS, cracks and FORMULATES PROCESSES TO CORRECT IT. 8. A Hand that USES the vessel (urn/pot) ACCORDING TO ITS CREATED PURPOSE. 9. A Hand that uses the vessel (urn/pot…) to GLORIFY GOD. 10. A Hand that through the vessel, its use and created purpose, makes the FATHER’S DREAM A REALITY on earth.
1. WHO IS THE POTTER IN YOUR LIFE? “Look, as the clay is in the potter’s hand, so are you IN MY HAND.” (Jer 18:6) Who “MESSES” with the CLAY? You can “MESS UP” your life. Many can STEP + WALK OVER the clay.
“But now, O Lord, You are our FATHER; We are the CLAY, and You our POTTER; and all we are the WORK OF YOUR HAND.” (Is 64:8) “…Shall the Potter be esteemed as the clay; for shall the THING MADE SAY OF HIM WHO MADE IT, ‘He did not make me’,..” (Is 29:16)
2. WHAT DOES THE POTTER MAKE IN YOUR LIFE? “Woe to him who strives with his Maker -… Shall the clay say to him who forms it, ‘WHAT ARE YOU MAKING?’ Or shall your handiwork say, ‘He has no hands’?” (Is 45:9) …it is He who has shown in our hearts... (II Cor 4:6) “…But we have THIS TREASURE in EARTHEN VESSELS, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us.” (II Cor 4:7)
3. WHY DOES THE POTTER MAKE YOU THIS WAY? “But indeed, O man, who are you to reply AGAINST God? Will the THING FORMED say to HIM WHO FORMED it, “WHY have you made me LIKE THIS? Does not the potter have POWER OVER THE CLAY, from the same lump to make one vessel of honour and another for dishonour?” (Rom 9:20+21)
A CHILD IS CLAY in Father’s hands. Love with discipline. (Heb 12) SONS are useful in Father’s hand. (Rom 8) Free creation and make disciples. The Potter CHOOSES to SAY SOMETHING with the clay formed by His hands!
4. TRUST THE POTTER! ENTRUST MY SONS and the WORK of MY HANDS to ME. (Is 45:11) Clay in the hand of the Potter can DEPICT the IDEA, MESSAGE and PICTURE the Potter has in His heart.