ENG Masters, part Kirsi Heino Information specialist
Contents of the library training Part 1 ALLI database + demo Nelli search portal + demo Theory on information searching SCOPUS database + demo Part 2 Theory on citing Questions? Part 3 Tour in the Otaniemi main library Part 4 Moodle exercises
Six questions on databases –In Moodle or –Login with Aalto account –Enrolment key (=password) needed (in ) –Problems:
Databases ALLI – library’s collection database (Otaniemi, Töölö)ALLI - Printed resources and e-books - Location service - Arabia collections through universal borrowing Aaltodoc – archive for all electronic Aalto publications (theses, conference papers, reports…)Aaltodoc Melinda – union catalogueMelinda - University libraries’ collections
Available through NELLI search portal (1) NELLI = National Electronic Library (Search) InterfaceNELLI Remote use with Aalto account Scientific journals –Many journal titles Quality portals –Many abstract, indexing and full-text databases
Available through NELLI search portal (2) Standards Other resources –E-books –Dictionaries (MOT) –Electronic theses etc.
Factors of a successful search Determining of goals, the topic of the search Identifying key concepts related to the topic Choosing of sources (IMPORTANT!) Formulation of the search (selection of search terms and their combinations, limiting options) Analysing results
Too many search results Use more specific terms Add another concept to make search more specific Search titles or index terms only Limit the search with –Language –Document type –Year Always avoid too generic terms!
Too few search results (or none) Too many concepts combined Too long a phrase Insufficient truncation Wrong terminology Typing erors Variant spellings Wrong database
Search diary Date Used resources or the source Search words and how they were combined (=search logic) Results (the saved files etc) Evaluatíon of the results Measures to be taken Other information and comments
SCOPUS Large multidisciplinary reference database (full-texts through sfx-link) Includes also the amount of citations (=links to citing articles)