T Iteration Demo Game On! Solutions PP Iteration
Agenda Project status Work results Used work practices
Introduction to the project What is this project about? –Develop a front-end system for a game-on- demand service with LAMP –Client: G-Cluster –Used in testing, presentations and sales –A reference model for systems developed by G- Cluster’s customers –Documentation of the problem domain
Status of the iteration’s goals Goal 1: Creation of project plan and understanding the domain - ok Goal 2: Requirements engineering - ok Goal 3: Select and implement practices - ok Goal 4: Sign contract - work in progress Goal 5: Select tools and architecture - ok
Iteration’s deliverables Project plan –Ok, but allocated time does not match Iteration plan –Ok, but outdated Requirements document - ok Progress report - ok Architectural design document –Ok but only a draft for internal use
TaskAssigneeAllocated timeUsed time Implement web pagesTapio Auvinen1h2h Contact graphic designer candidatesIsmo Lehmus3hnot done Decide on used frameworkAntti Kaunisto & Joni Leiponen2h Decide on coding conventionAntti Kaunisto & Joni Leiponen2h Design architectureAntti Kaunisto & Joni Leiponen2h Review old codeAntti Kaunisto & Joni Leiponen2h1h Write architectural design documentationAntti Kaunisto & Joni Leiponen3h2h Decide on what version control software to useIsmo Lehmus & Juuso Jääskeläinen1h Define requirements for the productJuuso JääskeläinenIncluded in meetings Decide on issue tracking softwareIsmo Lehmus & Juuso Jääskeläinen3h4h Decide on time tracking softwareIsmo Lehmus & Juuso Jääskeläinen2h Decide on risk management practicesIsmo Lehmus & Juuso Jääskeläinen1h Install all necessary toolsAntti Kaunisto6h8h Decide on communication practicesIsmo Lehmus1h Decide on documentation practicesIsmo Lehmus1h Meetings with the clientLehmus, Jääskeläinen, Kaunisto, Leiponen10h / person Internal meetingsAll members9h / person Tasks & time usage
Resource usage Not available yet –Data outdated
Risks RiskDescriptionAvoidanceProbabilityImpact Hardware problemsServer breaking down, tools and code base lost Keeping most important issues somewhere else also, keeping backup of the code base. 14 Shortage of human resources People getting sick, other activities that take time Constant development, information sharing 32 Server-client architectureMultiplayer and other player-to-player functionalities can not be implemented in the client operating environments due to the strict server-client architecture and limited support for techniques to circumvent that. The multiplayer functionalities will be simplified. Available techniques for circumventing the problem (auto-refreshing) will be used. Separate versions for environments supporting asynchronous scripting might be created. 55
Results of the iteration Project plan –Goals –Practices –Tools Requirements documentation –System overview –Functional/non-functional requirements
Used work practices Eventum for issue and time tracking –Up, but not yet fully configured –Time reporting with issues not yet in use Subversion for version control TikiWiki in use –experiences