Nationalism Verses Internationalism To what extent should nationalism be sacrificed in the interest of internationalism?
The European Union “Half a century of European integration has shown that the EU as a whole is greater than the sum of its parts: it has much more economic, social, technological, commercial, and political clout than if its member states had to act individually. There is added value in acting together and speaking with a single voice as the European Union”
The European Union The leadership of the EU would like member nations to move together politically and diplomatically so that like a single nation-state, they can communicate internationally with one voice.
The European Union What challenges are encountered with this pursuit? Do nations give up their sovereignty? What happens to minority or less powerful nation-states? Who benefits the most? Who loses the most?
Must NATIONALISM be sacrificed in the interest of INTERNATIONALISM? As a Canadian, what would you give up in terms of your national identity to support world peace and security?
The Schengen Agreement Abolishes border controls between the participating European nation-states In 1985, 24 nation-states agreed to freedom of movement within the Union… but Great Britain and Ireland remained outside of the agreement… WHY?
The Schengen Agreement Fears of terrorism (with reduced border control) Illegal immigration Trafficking of controlled substances (especially from nation-stateswith vulnerable coastlines) The creation of a European culture at the expense of national cultures.
The European Union Nations choosing to join the EU must accept changes to laws, governance, labour laws, economics and civil rights.
The European Union Great Britain was reluctant to join the EU due to concerns about national interests and identity, but ultimately did so. Given these types of concerns, why have 27 other nations, including Great Britain, joined the EU?
Benefits As nations in Europe open their borders within the EU, their relationships to one another change. Almost like Canada’s provinces, these nation-states allow unimpeded travel among themselves.
Benefits Trade tariffs and restrictions are reduced, allowing for economic growth. People can search for work over a much larger area, and employers can draw from a much larger pool of workers and professionals.
From the EU Commissioner “Europe must assume responsibility for peace and development in the world… With a single voice we can wield real influence. Only united can we put down our own humanist stamp on globalization and infuse it with Europe’s social values…”
Reconciling Nationalism And Internationalism How might nationalism be compromised in favour of internationalism?
Economics Economically, a globalized economy has led to the internationalization of rules (especially in regards to free trade) NAFTA and the WTO are examples of this.
THE WTO Attempts to internationalize trade rules Self-executing enforcement (the organization has the ability to enforce decisions on member nations even if they disagree) National governments are less able to assert their sovereignty in many areas because their hands are tied by WTO rules.
Politics Politically, citizenship lines become blurred (an interesting fact: in an attempt to create a sense of European citizenship, citizens of the EU can run for election in any member state)
The EU Has developed many features of any other nation-state Common currency, a parliament, a flag, and even an anthem Pooled Sovereignty: where a political body of elected representatives of each member nation makes decisions for the members of the organization.
Canada and the United States Shared security is a growing concern in the light of the terrorist threats and attacks has increased in recent years. Since Sept. 11, Canada and the US have increasingly coordinated relations between the CIA and CSIS, as well as border control. Mutual benefits result from this.
A Matter of Perspective The impact of internationalism is all a matter of perspective… things to consider are: National sovereignty vs. collective power National security vs. collective security Economic growth and ability to compete Is a nation-state capable of self-sufficiency on its own? Is isolationism a viable option in this globalized world?