Introduction to Economics & Economic Systems


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Presentation transcript:

Introduction to Economics & Economic Systems Topic 1 Introduction to Economics & Economic Systems

Questions to consider: What is Economics? What do we mean by ‘economise’? Who is affected by economics? Why is economics important to property & construction?

Satisfaction of Individual Human ‘wants’ Q: How do people satisfy their material wants?

Satisfaction of collective Society ‘wants’ Q: How does Society satisfy its needs & wants?

Can people’s wants be satisfied in the long run? Can we have everything we want? Why not? Gmeee, Gmeee


ECONOMISE Best case scenario: Maximise our satisfaction with our limited resouces, i.e. choose how to use our resources to our greatest advantage ECONOMISE

"Economic problems arise as the individual or the community has to make the most efficient use of its limited resources and is confronted with the problem of choice. Economics is accordingly concerned with the arrangements that are made for the use of scarce resources" L Ruddock, 1992

2.0 Resources Specific known amount of resources available to each person/economy Resources are anything which can be used to satisfy wants by producing Goods & Services. i.e., Factors of Production 3 types:

LAND – all natural resources LABOR – human effort involved in production CAPITAL – machinery/equipment for manufacturing other Goods & Services - expenditure on capital is ‘capital investment’

Fourth Factor of Production – Enterprise

Labour Intensive (lots of human work) Capital Intensive (lots of money and/or Investment) Q: Where does construction industry sit? Q: How would you measure the wealth of an economy/society?

‘Real Economy’ versus ‘Money Economy’ Q: Would the wealth & standard of living of the country increase if the Government printed more money? The real economy is concerned with the amount of Goods & Services available to the population - E.g., shopping centres, public transport, quantity of food, number of hospital beds etc.. Whereas, money has no intrinsic value – it merely enablestransactions to take place – it can be exchanged for Goods & Services

Money Money is a liquid asset (can easily be converted into other assets) The functions of money: medium of exchange unit of account (how rich are you?) a store of wealth The characteristics of money: divisible stable value portability durability

A measure of the wealth of an economy: Amount of G&S produced (National Production) Amount of Income received (National Income) Amount of Expenditure on G&S (National Expenditure) Q: How can we achieve true economic growth in the economy?

Answer: We compare ‘National Production’ on a year by year basis. However, when comparing we must take into account inflation. Therefore, economists use constant prices when comparing National production figures, i.e. The prices of one ‘base’ year are applied to the output of other years

In 1999-2000 construction accounted for 5.5% of GDP, Construction is an important part of the economy In 1999-2000 construction accounted for 5.5% of GDP, And employed almost 8% of the workforce

3.0 Opportunity Cost Economic Goods are scarce and, therefore, have a cost In contrast to ‘free’ goods The cost of using an economic good is the cost of foregoing the next best alternative to which that resource could have been put. It is a way of putting a cost on our economic decisions Opportunity cost = true economic cost Q: Why is it referred to as a cost?

An easy example of Opportunity cost - You are hungry. You have one dollar. You are at Wendys. You can buy one item. You must forego al other items. What one item would be your best choice to alleviate your hunger?

Another example, A plot of land could have several possible uses: develop shopping centre develop office block develop private housing estate

Suppose that after doing an initial feasibility analysis, the land owner estimates that he can make the following profit from each option: shopping centre = $10 million office block = $5 million housing estate = $8 million Q: What is the best economic use for the land? Q: What is the opportunity cost associated with this use?

4.0 Production Possibility Curves An economic tool/diagram with two purposes: illustrates opportunity cost shows whether resources are being used efficiently For example, suppose an economy produces two goods: Alternative Sugar (tons) Houses (units) A 34 B 30 32 C 60 28 D 90 23 E 120 16 F 150 7 G 180

Resources & technology fixed in short term The combinations of production possibilities may be plotted on a curve, as follows Q: If the economy is at point E, then what is the opportunity Cost of producing 30,000 more tons of sugar? G x 180 Sugar (tons) F x 150 E x 120 A: We move from 16 houses to 8 produced. A cost of 8 housing units. D x 90 H C x x 60 B x 30 A x 5 10 15 20 25 30 Houses (units)

Q: What does it imply if the economy was producing at Point H? Consider what would happen if: There was an advance in construction technology, which enabled houses to be produced more efficiently the total amount of resources in the economy increased

A country must decided which economic system it will employ in order to utilize its finite resources. The functions of an economic system: choose which goods & services will be produced ensure, as far as possible, that wastage of resources does not occur to push out the production possibility curve

All economies face the ‘economic problem’ Thus, they must adopt an economic system in order to allocate their resources When allocating resources, the society must consider 3 questions: What is to be produced? How are the goods to be produced? For whom to produce? Society’s answers to these questions will determine which economic system they adopt: Capitalist, Mixed or Socialist

CONSUMERS INDUSTRY A INDUSTRY B Free Enterprise Economic System Land, labor, Capital Land, labor, Capital Land, labor, Capital Sales & Profit Sales & Profit Sales & Profit Produce Produce Produce CONSUMERS Sales & Profit Sales & Profit Sales & Profit Produce Produce Produce Land, labor, Capital Land, labor, Capital Land, labor, Capital INDUSTRY B Free Enterprise Economic System

Capitalist Economic System – Key Words free enterprise system - private business operates with minimal government involvement. privately owned resources - the means and materials for production the economy are owned and operated by private individuals and businesses, not the government. profit motive - individuals and businesses provide goods and services in order to make money. consumer sovereignty - the one buying the good or service is free to make whatever choice seems most advantageous to them.

Advantages of Capitalist System encourages most efficient methods of production by private businesses (profit motive)] encourages innovation in production techniques allows economic freedom ensures scarce resources are used carefully

Disadvantages of Capitalist System inequality in distribution of goods & services some essential goods & services (those consumed on collective basis) will not be provided by private sector, e.g. defense, police etc. monopoly situations can arise, which may lead to unfair practices fluctuating demand is characteristic, which leads to periods of high unemployment and high inflation

CONSUMERS INDUSTRY A (increased demand) INDUSTRY B (decreased demand) Land, labor, Capital Land, labor, Capital Land, labor, Capital Land, labou, Capital Sales & Profit Sales & Profit Sales & Profit Sales & Profit Produce Produce Produce Produce CONSUMERS Sales & Profit Sales & Profit Sales & Profit Produce Produce Produce Land, labor, Capital Land, labor, Capital Land, labor, Capital INDUSTRY B (decreased demand) Free Enterprise Economic System

CONSUMERS GOVERNMENT GOVERNMENT Mixed Economic System MONETARY SYSTEM LEGAL SYSTEM -monopoly reg’n -pollution control -building regs Land, labor, Capital Land, labor, Capital Land, labor, Capital Sales & Profit Sales & Profit Sales & Profit Produce Produce Produce CONSUMERS ECONOMIC POLICY -fiscal -monetary Sales & Profit Sales & Profit Sales & Profit Produce Produce Produce ESSENTIAL GOODS & SERVICES Land, labor, Capital Land, labor, Capital Land, labor, Capital GOVERNMENT TAXATION Mixed Economic System

Mixed Economic System – Key Words Government intervention Government role supports/facilitates free market enterprise in following ways: establishing monetary system & legal system controlling monopolies provision of essential goods & services not provided regulating undesirable business practices alleviate inequality in society (progressive tax, social welfare) attempting to provide stable economy

Government (Central Planning Authority) Owns, Plans & Allocates Resources, & Controls Production INDUSTRY A INDUSTRY B INDUSTRY C INDUSTRY D Prices set by Government Produce according to Gvt’s target Produce acc. to Gvt’s target Produce acc. to Gvt’s target Produce acc. to Gvt’s target CONSUMERS

Socialist Economic System – Key Words Central Planning Authority (CPA) command system central planning and ownership of resources production targets (5 year plans) to plan resource allocation production techniques/income levels decided by CPA no consumer sovereignty (although consumers can choose) no profit motive as businesses are socially owned workers encouraged by incentives & patriotic loyalty

distribution through market, but price not determined by market amount an individual receives depends on the proportion of wealth they receive (income level) Central Planning Authority set wage levels for different jobs/professions according to perceived value inequality does result, but not to extent of Capitalist system central authority price fixing, rationing of scarce Goods and Services essential Goods and Services are provided free of charge

Economic Decision Making Direct Costs: land acquisition building costs planning permission fees cost of labourers maintenance costs materials costs Direct Returns: extra production extra sales extra profit Private Costs & Benefits

Economic Decision Making Direct Costs: land acquisition building costs planning permission fees cost of labourers maintenance costs materials costs Direct Returns: extra production extra sales extra profit + + Social Benefits: increased employment more income & wealth Social Costs: increased pollution increased noise increased traffic congestion unsightly view True Social Costs & Benefits

Cost-Benefit Analysis Stage 1 The listing of all the relevant costs and benefits attributable to the project Stage 2 All cost and benefits are then evaluated so that they can be expressed as a common monetary value Stage 3 All cost and benefits are discounted back to the present. Stage 4 Project appraisal. Finally, the decision-maker needs to assess all the costs and benefits, and select a project that yields the best increase in 'social welfare', or net social benefit

Cost-Benefit Analysis – Disadvantages Deciding which social costs & benefits to include in analysis - social impacts? - environmental impacts? - international impacts? Evaluation of social costs & benefits – the allocation of a market price - how do we put a value on these things?