Lamentations 3:39
CONTRASTING ATTITUDES THANKSGIVING The soul that gives thanks can find comfort in everything. COMPLAINING The soul that complains can find comfort in nothing.
MURMURING/COMPLAINING “an expression of unhappiness, dissatisfaction, or discontent.” Complaining is the outward expression of discontent from within.
Adam the first complainer “the woman who you gave to be with me.” All complaining is against God and His providential will for your life. Complaining is a symptom of a deep seated spiritual problem-a failure to trust God and a failure to be submissive to His providential provision in your life. “And when the people complained, it displeased the Lord: and the Lord heard it; and His anger was kindled.” Numbers 11:1
I. COMPLAINING DENIES GOD’S SOVEREIGNTY “Who is the Lord that I should obey his voice, asked Pharaoh.”
A. Complaining is evidence that we are dissatisfied with the way God is doing things Complaining is just the surface symptom of a much deeper problem-discontent. The solution to complaining is to recognize our sin and realize and acknowledge that our heavenly Father always knows what is best for us even down to the little problems He allows us to face. God works all things after the counsel of His own will Ephesians 1:11
Paul and Silas in the Philippian jail Acts 16:22-30
B. Complaining focuses on what is frustrating and we lose perspective of God’s sovereignty Complaining focuses on what’s frustrating us and it forgets about the big picture. The Israelite’s complained about their wilderness diet, and went on to talk about their great food they had in Egypt. They forgot they were slaves. When we look at the irritations and the frustrations in front of us we lose our perspective, and blow our problems out of proportion.
C. Complaining is an expression of unbelief toward God’s sovereignty Complaining is always an expression of unbelief toward God’s sovereignty in our life. “…all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28 Complaining is directed at God who has ordered your circumstances.
COMPLAINING IS DIRECTED AT GOD Complaining is distrust against God and non- submission to His plan and purpose in your life. Complaining is a serious sin God destroyed people in the wilderness for complaining. Seeing God in all things will stop our complaining.
A. Complaining is contagious Numbers 13:30-33 “We can’t do what God has told us to do, it’s too hard, the people are too big.” v.33 The people exaggerated their problem. The spies started the complaining, and the whole congregation picked it up.
We can say people complain because they have a lot of problems; however, we have to realize that they have a lot of problems because they complain.
B. Complaining amplifies frustration Complaining doesn’t change anything or make situations better. It amplifies frustration, spreads discontent and discord. Proverbs 6:16-19 Frustration gets amplified because people listen to rumors or what someone else says without going to the source.
A. A complaining Christian does harm to the Christian community “Do all things without grumbling or disputing; so that you will prove yourselves to be blameless and innocent children of God above reproach…” Philippians 2:14,15 A Christian who is always grumbling and complaining is harmful to the cause of Christ and the name of Christianity.
“Among those sins most exquisitely fitted to injure the soul and destroy the testimony, few can equal the sin of complaining.” A. W. Tozier
B. Complainers are missionaries of misery If someone is a drunk or has a filthy mouth, we tell them that it’s a sin, and they need to stop. But somehow when it comes to the sin of complaining, we rationalize and excuse it. It is a vile sin. Complainers look at life through dark glasses.
THREE REASONS GOD HATES COMPLAINING COMPLAINING DENIES GOD’S SOVEREIGNTY COMPLAINING DISRUPTS CHRISTIAN UNITY COMPLAINING DISCREDITS OUR CHRISTIAN TESTIMONY Praise is the best deterrent for complaining. Believers who keep praising the Lord usually achieve the victory over complaining.