Prof. Thomas Fleiner Class No 4 Democratic Governance Belgrade Law Faculty Master Course on Comparative Constitutional Law Prof. Thomas Fleiner October 31 to November
Democratic Governance − Good Governance
Principles DemocracyRule of Law Fundamental Rights
Three Governmental Systems: Presidential System Westminter Type System Directorial System Semipresi- dential
In Parliament Centralized Sovereignty Parliament Head of State Cabinet
In Parliament centralized Sovereignty Parliament Head of State Cabinet
In Parliament centralized Sovereignty Parliament Head of State Cabinet
Crown Lords Commons
Crown Lords Commons
Crown Lords Commons
Cabinet Lords Crown Westminster
Elements of Influence Political Rights One man one vote one value Electoral System Constituency Major. Propor. Volonté Générale Volonté de Tous Borough Major. Propor. relativeabsolute Whole Country
Governmen- tal System Position First Chamber Status of Members of P Position of Parties Electoral system Electoral concept
Presidential System USA
Congress Represen- tatives Senate President Supreme Court USA Sover. Legislature Sover. Executive Sover. Judiciary
Federal Government Ges Jud Exe Governments Of States LegExeJud Federal Affairs People Citizens States
One Person One vote One Nation Each Canton Two votes Fed. Assembly National- council Cantons Federal Council (semi)Direct Democracy Initiative - Referendum Challenge for all Institutions Confl. manage. Education Lobbies Parties
People and Cantons Federation Canton Municiplali. Implem ent. Implement Vollzug Election Referendum Eölect. referendum
Council Head of States States Council of Ministers Parliament Peoples Presi- dent Commission President Foreign Aff. European Union People of the Union?
Concluding Remarks
Major Issues Democratic participation of the people Democratic accountability Checks and Balances / Separation of powers Transparency Rule of Law
Major Challenges Parties, Parliament and election Checks and Balances Independence of Judiciary Referendum and initiative Nation and Nation Building