K EY E VENTS The Beginning 18 th & 19 th Centuries 20 th & 21 st Centuries
T HE B EGINNING Why is this building, the Friedensaal, significant to international relations?
T REATY OF W ESTPHALIA Signed in ended the 30 Years War
T REATY OF W ESTPHALIA things came out of the Treaty: Sovereignty States System
18 TH & 19 TH C ENTURIES 3 Key Changes Impacted System Development 1) Demand for Popular Sovereignty 2) Westernization of international system 3) Culmination of multipolar system
#1- E VOLUTION OF P OPULAR S OVEREIGNTY 3 things were involved: #1- Historically Raison d’état prevailed ‘Requirements of the State’ Based on ‘the divine right of kings’ Meaning of sovereignty
#1- D EMAND FOR P OPULAR S OVEREIGNTY 3 things were involved: #2 - Challenges to raison d’état Push for ‘popular’ sovereignty American Revolution (1776) French Revolution (1789 )
#1- D EMAND FOR P OPULAR S OVEREIGNTY Demand caused 3 things to happen: #3- Eventual collapse of dynasties Tsarist Russia Austria-Hungary Ottoman Empire Imperial China Soviet Union
18 TH & 19 TH C ENTURIES 3 Key Changes Impacted System Development 1) Demand for Popular Sovereignty 2) Westernization of international system 3) Culmination of multipolar system
W ESTERNIZATION OF I NT ’ L S YSTEM Scientific & Technological Advances Guns & Gunpowder Naval Technology Industrial Revolution Mass production Advances in transportation Advances in communication
W ESTERNIZATION OF I NT ’ L S YSTEM Colonization & Imperialism What are these? Where?
18 TH & 19 TH C ENTURIES 3 Key Changes Impacted System Development 1) Demand for Popular Sovereignty 2) Westernization of International System 3) Culmination of Multipolar System
Culmination of Multipolar System Types of World Systems: Unipolar System Bipolar System Multipolar System Modified Multipolar System
P OWER P OLES Power Pole Growing Power Power Pole Power Pole Power Pole Growing Power
20 TH & 21 ST C ENTURIES World War I Bolshevik Revolution Post-WWI The Great Depression World War II Post WWII Cold War Era Post CW Era to present
W ORLD W AR I Treaty of Versailles War Reparations Empires end Austro-Hungarian Empire Ottoman Empire
O TTOMAN E MPIRE FROM All of Austria, Hungary, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Large parts of Serbia, Romania Bits of Italy, Montenegro, Poland, Ukraine
P OST W ORLD W AR I Rise of Soviet Union Rise of German nationalism The Great Depression Munich Conference Sudentenland Appeasement Policy
W ORLD W AR II European Theater of Operations Pacific Theater of Operations
P OST W ORLD W AR II Emergence of a Bipolar System Formation of the United NationsUnited Nations Decolonization Reasons for Difficulties for former colonies
W AR OF I DEOLOGIES : D EMOCRACY V. C OMMUNISM Securing Interests in Europe United States Marshall Plan, Truman Plan Formation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)North Atlantic Treaty Organization Soviet Union Eastern European takeover= Eastern Bloc Warsaw Treaty Pact
C OLD W AR F OREIGN P OLICY Cuban Missile CrisisCuban Missile Crisis US Containment Doctrine Korean War McCarthyism Vietnam War Nixon goes to China SU invades Afghanistan détenteBrief era of détente Thawing of relations
C OLD W AR E RA -T HE R EAGAN Y EARS Détente ends Reagan Administration New Soviet Premier Mikhail Gorbachev Mikhail Gorbachev Perestroika (economic restructuring) Glasnost (openness) Berlin WallBerlin Wall is torn down Eastern Bloc countries follow Fall of the Soviet Union End of bipolar system
P OST -C OLD W AR E RA Modified Multipolar System Global North v. Global South European Union Expansion of EU in P-CW eraEU Adoption of euro euro China joins World Trade Organization (WTO)World Trade Organization (WTO)
P OST -C OLD W AR E RA 9/11 'War on Terror‘ begins Challenges traditional approach to security War in Afghanistan Operation Enduring Freedom Iraq Arab Spring Arab Spring