Preamble ◦ What this letter will be about Declaration of Natural Rights ◦ What rights God gave us and you took away. List of Grievances ◦ Things you did to us that we are mad about. Resolution ◦ We are free from you, forming our own government, so there.
John Locke stated that all men, regardless of social class, are born with natural rights, including the right to life, liberty, and property.
John Locke added that if a country violates any of these natural rights, one has the right to rebel against their government and start a revolution. ◦ Complete circle of change
Popular Sovereignty means that a country, state, or local government is able to make laws for themselves, with only limited influence from a higher governing body.
Rousseau and Locke both argued that all men enter into a social contract when they are born. ◦ People and governments enter into a contract with each other. The people follow the rules of the gov’t, in return, the gov’t protects people’s natural rights.
Using your graphic organizer and the Declaration of Independence, your group will search the DOI for instances where these themes are present. ◦ I have broken it down into two parts for times’ sake, the Preamble and the List of Grievances.