An introduction to Reformed Theology at First Boynton
To help bring understanding about what we mean when we say we are “reformed.” To demonstrate why these beliefs matter. To show why we are joyful about being reformed and help you to be joyful as well.
We believe that God is the all-mighty, all- powerful, all-wonderful King of Kings and Lord of Lords who has and exercises absolute authority over all creation. The short way to say this is to say that God is sovereign. This sovereignty includes the salvation of men.
God’s sovereignty and man’s sin (today) God’s plan of salvation (6/10) God’s work of salvation (6/17) God’s application of salvation (6/24)
Creation – Genesis 1:1 History – Isaiah 46:8-11 Nations – Acts 17:26-27 Kings – Exodus 4:21 People – Psalm 139:13-16
Life and Death – Matthew 10:28-31 “Chance” events – Proverbs 16:33 Evil – Genesis 50:20 Judgment – Revelation 20:11-15 Salvation – Acts 13:48
I’m a free person, so God can’t be sovereign over me. Ephesians 1:11; 2:10 Philippians 2:12-13
“God causes all things that happen, but that he does so in such a way that he somehow upholds our ability to make willing, responsible choices choices that have real and eternal results and for which we are held accountable.” Grudem, Systematic Theology, 322
Romans 8:28 If God is really in control of all things, then I can really trust Him in all things. Philippians 2:12-13 I’m not on my own in living the Christian life. God has a plan and I can labor in faith.
We are not as bad as we could be, but every part of us is corrupt. Guilt Spiritual Death Sinful Nature Sinful Works
“All members of the human race were represented by Adam…As our representative, Adam sinned, and God counted us guilty as well as Adam” (Grudem, Systematic Theology, ). Romans 5:18-19 We are guilty and need to be declared righteous
While we are born physically alive, we are nevertheless spiritually dead, unable to follow God or please Him. Ephesians 2:1-2 We are spiritually dead and need to be born again.
“In addition to the legal guilt that God imputes to us because of Adam’s sin, we also inherit a sinful nature because of Adam’s sin” (Grudem, Systematic Theology, 496). Ephesians 2:3 We have a sinful nature and need a new nature.
Our actions confirm our guilt and corruption. We live lives of rebellion against God, pursuing our own desires rather than following Him. Romans 3:9-18 We commit sins and need to be forgiven.
Born guilty– it isn’t fair that Adam represented me. Romans 5:18-19 Man doesn’t want God– it isn’t fair that I can’t choose God on my own. Romans 6:6, 16-17, 20
God is sovereign over depraved people, including you and me. Genesis 50:19-20 Acts 4:25-28
The more I understand the depth of my sin, the more I understand the riches of God’s grace in Jesus Christ. The more I understand the riches of God’s grace in Jesus Christ, the more I have assurance of my salvation and am changed into His likeness. The more I have assurance of my salvation, the more I am set free from self-righteousness and despair.
The more I am changed into His likeness and set free from self-righteousness and despair, the more I am filled with joy and set free to obey. The more I am set free to obey and filled with joy, the more I obey, bear lasting fruit. The more I understand my sin and God’s grace, the more I grow as a Christian.