Sarah Sense-Wilson, LMHC,CDP, NCGC-I, WSGCC-II Daniel Felizardo, MPA, CDP
I. Myths, History and Context II. Systems of Care III. Clinical Considerations IV. Clinical Strategies and Techniques V. Intertribal Coalition
72 Tribes have per capita payments Casino Profits go to Fund tribal government operations and programs Provide general welfare for their members Promote tribal economics Donate to charitable organizations Help fund local government agencies
566 Federally Recognized Tribes 246 Tribes operate 480 gaming facilities 57% of Tribes don’t operate Casinos
Every tribe is different
Tribal Casino Gambling Tribes… Must establish their own gaming regulatory systems Must solely own Indian casinos Must use net revenue for restricted purposes…
LgLxw LgLxw Inherent Authority to Self Rule and Self Determination Treaties: Contracts Among Nations Indian tribes have sovereign powers, separate and independent from the federal and state governments.
Washington State Gambling Commission
Community Awareness Outreach Prevention Intervention Treatment Alumni/Peer Support
Tribal Newsletters; articles and advertisements Tribal TV and Radio PSA’s Brochures Flyers Posters Banners Billboards
Community Events Conferences Health Fairs Pow-Wows Tournaments Inter/Intra Department Employee Fairs Tribal Sporting events Cultural Gatherings and Celebrations
Group Presentations Tribal Schools Youth Programs Elders Programs Housing Programs Domestic violence Programs Schools/Educational Activities Parenting Support Groups Children Services/ICW
Consultations Screening Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment SBIRT Referrals
Assessments Individual Counseling Couples Therapy Family Counseling Youth and Adult Groups: Relapse Prevention/Intensive etc. Family Education and Support Consultation Referrals
Reservations Urban Rural Suburban Traditional/Ceremonial Activities Seasonal activities; Hunting, Harvesting, Fishing, Fire fighting, Canoe Journey, Sundance, Smokehouse, Sweat Lodge, Native American Church ect… Funerals
Per Capita, Payout and Bonuses Seasonal and Traditional income Historical Trauma Traditional Forms of Gambling Tribalism: Collectivistic Values vs. Individualistic (Western) Values Culture of Generational Poverty (Ruby Payne)
Level of Acculturation/Assimilation Gift Giving Multiple Relationships
Availability of Comprehensive Services Funding for Program Development Access to Spiritual Healer Access to GA or Other Support Groups Housing Protective Payee
Systems Orientation Motivational interviewing Family Involvement Cognitive Behavior Therapy Culturally Responsive Brief Intervention Streamline Services
Strengths Based Empowerment Food Learn and participate in community People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.
A ge and Generational Influence D evelopmental D isabilities Acquired R eligion and Spiritual Orientation E thnicity S ocial Economic Status S exual Orientation I ndigenous Heritage N ational Origin G ender (Hays 1996)
Tribal Community Casino EAP & HR Referrals YouthElders Community Outreach Treatment Programs CD/MH Therapy Groups Problem Gambling Services
Program & Professional Development Program and Resource Sharing Consultation (Clinical and Administrative) Native Voice-national, Regional, and Local Inter-Tribal Collaboration Forum for Discussing Unique Issues and Opportunity in Tribal Communities
Books Understanding Native American Culture, Don L Coyhis Every Day Is A Good Day, Reflections by Contemporary Indigenous Women, Wilma ManKiller Beyond Inclusion, Beyond Empowerment ; A development Strategy to liberate Everyone, Leticia Nieto and Margot Boyer For Indigenous Eyes Only ; A decolonization Handbook by Waziyatawin Angela Wilson, and Michael Yellow Bird A Framework for Understanding Poverty, Ruby PayneCulturally Responsive Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (Hays, Pamela and Gayle Y. Iwamasa 2006) Addressing Cultural Complexities in Practice; A Framework for Clinicians and Counselors (Pamela Hays, PhD 2001) Videos/DVD’s Journey to Forgiveness’ White Bison Once Were Warriors’ Dakota ’ The Fighter’