Geoinformatics courses at the Department of Geosciences and geography
Geoinformatics personnel Tuuli Toivonen: Tenure track prof. in GI Mika Siljander: Senior lecturer in GI (until August 2015) Petri Pellikka: Professor Pekka Hurskainen: -PhD Student -CHIESA project coordinator -- GI-teaching Xiaochen Zou : PhD. Student Tuure Takala: PhD. Student Matti Mõttus : -Postdoc researcher, - docent Johanna Hohental: PhD. Student Maria Salonen: PhD. Student – now in Copenhagen Janne Heiskanen: -Postdoc researcher, --BIODEV project Maeda, Eduardo Eiji: -CHIESA project -Postdoc researcher,
2014 – period Basics of GIS for English-speaking students (web course), 3 cr. Starting on using mainly Quantum GIS but also ArcGIS 10 software -Web GIS course implemented in Moodle platform: - - (link opens up on Monday ) -ennrollment key: mygis2014 -Students will make GIS practicals and return final report to Moodle -If you want to take the course to GRADING: Fail/Pass Raster GIS(5 cr.) (this course is already overbooked!) -However, it is possible to make this course independently if you have already fairly good GIS skills using ArcGIS software - all course material available from University of Helsinki Moodle platform - to for more information
56301 Methods in Remote Sensing 5 cr lectures in Finnish – lecture PDFs also available in English -Practicals: instructions available in English teaching only in Finnish and groups are already full. -However, if student are able to work independently contact -Instructor Vuokko Heikinheimo for more details. - -(This course is suitable for student with basic skills of remote sensing and who has some knowledge of Erdas Imagine software) - Software used: Erdas Imagine Responsible teacher: prof. Petri Pellikka – periods 1 and 2
Advanced remote sensing, 4 cr 30 March – 28 April 2015 Course introduces topical research and methods in remote sensing of land cover and vegetation Deepens content of the “56301 Remote sensing methods” Improves students’ ability to use remote sensing methods in their MSc theses and research Lectures, exercises and practical work Responsible teacher: Janne Heiskanen
Lecture topics in Advanced RS in 2014: Review of topical research and trends in remote sensing of land cover and vegetation Atmospheric and topographic corrections for satellite data Estimation of land cover and vegetation biophysical attributes from satellite data Laser scanning for characterization of vegetation 3D structure Remote sensing of land surface temperature and precipitation Land change detection and modelling Practical work: Image processing in R software environment Forest biomass mapping using airborne laser scanning
Basic hydrological concepts with GIS applications 3 credits 3 lectures (2 hours each) and 3 practical (4 hours each) Dates and times: Lecture10-12h Practical12-16h Responsible teacher: Eduardo Maeda Evaluation: The evaluation will be done based on a small pre-course assignment, one exercise after each lecture and short projects that will be carried out during the practical classes.
Course content (subject to some changes) Day Day Day Lecture -The hydrological cycle -Components of the hydrological cycle -Global hydrological cycle -Watershed hydrology -Precipitation-Evapotranspiration - Water infiltration and soil storage - Surface runoff Practical -Use hydrology tools in ArcGIS for analyzing river basins - Use R for processing meteorological data - Evaluate rainfall data using R and ArcGIS