Decisions James 1:6-8
Definition A decision is a process that includes making a choice or judgment about an attitude or action. Decisions are an act of your will, and they are always influenced by either your mind or your emotions. Ps. 40:8 Double minded means: two-spirited, i.e. vacillating (in opinion or purpose):
Choices Our Choices bring blessings and cursing to our lives and the lives of others (Is 1:19 -20) Our Choices must be made of our knowledge of the revealed will of God (Acts 21:25) Choices reveal the heart (Ps119:30)
And Act of One’s Will Communicates one’s desires or goals Expresses Authority (whom or what) Who is in control (whom or what) Matt 6:10 (God’s will be done)
God’s Will Is the best for you Is the ultimate plan and purpose for you Is good and pleasing for you Jer 29:11 Heb 12:10
Types of God’s Will Perfect Will (Rom 12:2 & II Peter 3:9) Prevailing Will (Prov. 19:21) Permissive Will (Deut. 30:19) This is your sovereignty of choice. Permissive Will is out of the Will of God. Every one can know the Will of God for their life (Word of God)
Decisions that please God God initiated (Prov. 4:11) Harmony with the Word (Ps. 119:133) Accomplish His plan (Phil 2:13) That depends upon Him (Phil 4:13) That bring God glory (I Cor 10:31)