T Project Review I3 Iteration
T Project Review X-TremeIT Valeria, Konstantin, Roman, Olesia, Vladislav, Seppo, Aleksandr 2 Agenda Project status (7 min) achieving the goals of the iteration project metrics Used work practices (5 min) Completed work (30 min) presenting the iteration’s results demo Plans for the next iteration (3 min)
T Project Review X-TremeIT Valeria, Konstantin, Roman, Olesia, Vladislav, Seppo, Aleksandr 3 Status of planned goals of the iteration Implement more use cases UC-02/1 Saving process diagram locally: as image and as object – impossible to implement UC 01/1.7– Resizing UC 01/1.6– UNDO UC 01/1.8- scrolling the workspace GUI programming (ctr button, applet workspace, other) Testing Java docs jUnit tests Code review with customer and in group Bug reporting Bug fixing Peer testing System is delivered to the customer
T Project Review X-TremeIT Valeria, Konstantin, Roman, Olesia, Vladislav, Seppo, Aleksandr 4 Status of planned deliverables of the iteration Implemented software Updated: project plan requirements document technical specification test cases user’s manual Test report Peer test plans Peer test reports Progress report
T Project Review X-TremeIT Valeria, Konstantin, Roman, Olesia, Vladislav, Seppo, Aleksandr 5 Realization of the tasks
T Project Review X-TremeIT Valeria, Konstantin, Roman, Olesia, Vladislav, Seppo, Aleksandr 6 Working hours by person MEMBERPPI1I2I3 Subtotal DE Total Aleksandr57,557,7531,60 37,7 184, ,55 Vladislav565535, , ,1 Konstantin5755,7523, , ,35 Olesija51,541,4546, , ,95 Roman65,555,743,10 39,5 203, ,8 Seppo48,645,7535,20 45,5 175, ,05 Valeria66,562,141,60 28,5 198, ,7 TOTAL402,6373,5256,20 232,2 1264, ,5
T Project Review X-TremeIT Valeria, Konstantin, Roman, Olesia, Vladislav, Seppo, Aleksandr 7 Software metrics PackageClassesFunctionsNCSSJavadocs client.gui client.engine common server Total NCSS = Non-Commenting Source Statements
T Project Review X-TremeIT Valeria, Konstantin, Roman, Olesia, Vladislav, Seppo, Aleksandr 8 Quality metrics Bug metrics Most part of bugs were found during code review session. Reported to Bugzilla Peer testing 13 bugs were found during peer testing, reported to Bugzilla Test reports delivered to peer testing group Peer testing group provided test reports – bugs were found I1I2I3DETotal Reported Closed To be fixed 0111
T Project Review X-TremeIT Valeria, Konstantin, Roman, Olesia, Vladislav, Seppo, Aleksandr 9 Risks Risk management risks evaluation forms Risks analysis (Red, Yellow, Green) New risks reported Risks are not reported Risk actions are wrong Person responsible for risks quits. SoberIT is down Birdflue will affect people and will come to Finland I1 I2 I3 Risk IDRisk Test plan fails 1.4Wrong architectural design 2.1Lack of experience 2.2Underestimated resources for project task 2.7Project is late 3.1Requirements changed
T Project Review X-TremeIT Valeria, Konstantin, Roman, Olesia, Vladislav, Seppo, Aleksandr 10 Software demo IPSS modelling tool
T Project Review X-TremeIT Valeria, Konstantin, Roman, Olesia, Vladislav, Seppo, Aleksandr 11 Plan for the next iteration Goals: Fix and document open defects Regression testing Finalize product documentation Finalize, package and deliver the system to the customer Evaluate group’s work and the course Prepare and give the final presentation Personal software assignments Deliveries: Implemented software Final report Test report Final versions of all documents produced during the project
T Project Review X-TremeIT Valeria, Konstantin, Roman, Olesia, Vladislav, Seppo, Aleksandr 12 Plan for the next iteration
T Project Review X-TremeIT Valeria, Konstantin, Roman, Olesia, Vladislav, Seppo, Aleksandr 13 Thank you! Questions, comments?