Climate Change: India’s Approach Policy, Law, Actions by Vijai Sharma Member, National Green Tribunal (Principal Bench), New Delhi National Workshop on Institutional Framework on Sustainable Development International Centre for Environmental Audit and Sustainable Development, Jaipur September, 2011
Canvas of Presentation India’s Approach: International and Domestic Climate Change Policy and Law National Action Plan on Climate Change Sustainable Development perspective Finance and Technology – international cooperation Multilateral trends – other parallel processes International commitment to combat Climate Change Some Questions Vijai Sharma
Climate Change: India context Observed changes in temperature India’s vulnerability to Climate Change India as a low carbon economy Mitigation and Adaptation Declining energy intensity of GDP in India Thrust of National Action Plan on Climate Change National Communication Indian Climate Change Network Equity issues Vijai Sharma
Climate Change: International Regime UN Framework Convention on Climate Change Kyoto Protocol: speculation on second commitment period Common but Differentiated Responsibilities Sustainable Development & Poverty Eradication Implementation: gaps and progress, new challenges Resource Mobilisation: North to South flows Bottlenecks in multilateralism and consensus Building national systems: involvement of stakeholders Vijai Sharma
Policy and Law in India National Environment Policy GHG emissions: projection in NAPCC Domestic Initiatives in mitigation and adaptation Strengthening institutional mechanisms Interlinkages: climate change, biodiversity, desertification Rights based approaches Transparency, accountability, access to justice Civil society, apex industrial associations, media Vijai Sharma
Indian Network for CC Assessment GOAL To establish a network based Scientific Programme for CC Assessment To build capacity for management of risks and opportunities (due to CC) To provide inputs for responding to Climate Change OBJECTIVES Objective 1: Observe short- and long-term changes in climate Objective 2: Understand climate change impacts on key economy sectors Objective 3: Develop climate change assessment and adaptation frameworks Objective 4: To analyse GHG trends and pollutants from various sectors Objective 5: To build capacity for research to understand changes in climate and related environment and develop strategies to combat change
National Action Plan on Climate Change Mission Approach launched on 30 June, 2008 Concretized domestic action in international context Climate Change evolved into an inter-Ministerial subject Response to Climate Change: part of global challenge Enhancing sustainability of India’s development Strongly reflective of India’s adaptation needs Equitable entitlement to global atmosphere Capacity-building at different government levels Vijai Sharma
Enhancing Sustainable Development SD is centre-stage: no longer ancillary, not just a co-benefit Working towards human well-being as central objective Both climate change and poverty to be combated Special focus on the very vulnerable for survival North-to-South resource flows as per UNFCCC Mainstreaming SD in national planning Sustaining multi-sectoral response over time Promotion of resource-use efficiency and conservation Vijai Sharma
Solar Mission Min. of Non Renewable Energy Sources 20,000 mw solar power by 2020 Solar Thermal Power Generation Solar Photovoltaic Generation R&D Collaboration, Technology Transfer, Capacity Building Networking Indian effort with global initiatives Competitive delivery of solar energy Private sector in solar manufacturing facilities Solar Energy Authority Vijai Sharma
Mission for Enhanced Energy Efficiency Ministry of Power 10,000 mw of Energy Efficiency Savings by 2020 Sector specific Technological Options Cross-cutting technological options Fuel Switch Potential for emission reduction Technology Transfer and Financing Policy and Regulatory Options Delivery Options Capacity Building Vijai Sharma
Mission on Sustainable Habitat Ministry of Urban Development Energy Efficiency in Residential and Commercial sectors Application of Energy Conservation Building Code R&D, Technology Transfer and Capacity Building Policy and Regulatory Enhancements Delivery Options Urban Planning Management of Municipal Solid Waste Promotion of Urban Public Transport Vijai Sharma
Water Mission Ministry of Water Resources Management of Surface Water Resources Regulation of Groundwater Resources Upgrading storage structures and drainage systems Wastewater recycling Conservation of Wetlands Development of Desalination Technologies River Basin Management Strategies Upgrading impact assessment Vijai Sharma
Sustaining Himalayan Ecosystem Ministry of Science & Technology Unique significance of Himalayan ecosystem Impact of shrinking glaciers; loss of icemass Empowerment of local communities Observational networks; monitoring impacts Landuse planning and watershed management Afforestation and reforestation Recognition of unique mountain landscapes Sustainable tourism Vijai Sharma
Mission for Green India Ministry of Environment & Forests Aims: increase forest cover and conserve biodiversity Ecosystem services, sustaining communities, energy needs Greenhouse gas sequestration Appropriate silvicultural practices Public and private management Community based initiatives: JFM, Van Panchayats Forest fire management Implementation of Biodiversity Conservation Act Vijai Sharma
Mission for Sustainable Agriculture Ministry of Agriculture Flagship Mission for Adaptation to Climate Change Monitoring and Evaluation of adverse impacts Dryland Agriculture Risk Management Access to Information Use of Biotechnology Traditional knowledge systems Financial support to farmers Vijai Sharma
Strategic Knowledge for Climate Change Ministry of Science & Technology Climate Modelling and Access to Data Enhanced Research on Climate Modelling Promoting Data Access Strengthening Networks Human Resource Development Research in key substantive domains Creation of essential research infrastructure “Indian IPCC” Vijai Sharma
Recent happenings: emerging outlook Cancun Agreements – 2010 Copenhagen – 2009 Durban 2011 and problem areas Fate of Kyoto Protocol BASIC group India’s position in the negotiations South-South Cooperation Rio+20 Outlook for India Vijai Sharma
“The challenge of finding sustainable development paths ought to provide the impetus – indeed the imperative -- for a renewed search for multilateral solutions and a restructured international economic system of co-operation. These challenges cut across the divides of national sovereignty, of limited strategies for economic gain, and of separated disciplines of science.” Gro Harlem Brundtland Prime Minister of Norway Our Common Future (1987) Vijai Sharma
Thank you “Everything should be made simple but not simpler” Albert Einstein Vijai Sharma
Member, National Green Tribunal (Principal Bench), New Delhi Mobile: Tel: