Phnom Penh 5/7 February 2008 Bhutanese experience Mr. Sherab Tenzin Joint Director,Foreign Trade Division Ministry of Trade and Industry
Phnom Penh, Outline of Presentation Overview of Economy Direction of Trade 9 th Plan Activities
Phnom Penh, Overview of Economy GDP estimate– $840million GDP growth rate 6.5% Per capita GDP USD $ 800 GDP share of Primary sector – 27% at present (declining) GDP Share of Secondary Sector 41.8% GDP Share of Tertiary Sector 31.2% Recent years, lead sector of growth are mining, manufacturing, energy, transport and construction
Phnom Penh, 20084
Phnom Penh, YEARIMPORTSEXPORTSBALANCE (million Nu.) 20029, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Export and Import I. OVERALL BALANCE OF TRADE INCLUDING ELECTRICITY
Phnom Penh, Assessment of Trade India dominant - 92% Total Trade 93.85% Exports 91.19% Imports Except Bangladesh no other country significant Exports to Bangladesh 4.29% Imports from Bangladesh 1.22%
Phnom Penh, Enabling Environment Formulating, framing and amending relevant laws and regulations to provide a transparent, predictable, less bureaucratic and business friendly environment: Trade license rules and regulations Import policies, rules and regulations Export policies, rules, etc. Liberalization/Simplification of Licensing process Licensing Reforms
Phnom Penh, Market access Bilateral Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with India (2006) Preferential Trade Arrangement (PTA) with Bangladesh (2003) Regional Trade Arrangements (RTAs) FTAs under SAFTA & BIMSTEC under negotiation Global Accession to the WTO
Phnom Penh, Rationale for memberships Legal Framework for Trade Relations Stability and Predictability Dispute Settlement Foreign Direct Investment Enhance sovereignty
Phnom Penh, Export Promotion Trade Fairs and Exhibitions Market Research Information gathering and dissemination Reorganization of Bhutan Export Centre Exporter Development Marketing and Promotion (Overseas focus) Trade Facilitation (coordination)
Phnom Penh, Trade Development Agency - Exporter Development To prepare exporters to enter markets and promote international competitiveness Export Readiness Prgs, Branding Prg, Quality Prg, Awareness Building, Info handbooks
Phnom Penh, Trade Development Agency - Marketing and Promotion To promote Bhutanese products and assist exporters to become proficient in overseas market development Market Research, Market intelligence, Trade Missions, Trade Fairs, Export Showroom and Web site
Phnom Penh, Trade Development Agency - Trade Facilitation To facilitate and streamline export activities in coordination with other agencies and the pvt sector Liaison with other agencies, Trade Services, Incentive Management
Phnom Penh, Dry Port Inland port facility to facilitate trade Impetus for export growth Reduce transaction costs Promote value added logistic services Overcome transit related problems
Phnom Penh, Assistance needs Export promotion and marketing Supply side capacity building E-commerce Information networking Training of trainers Distance learning