Lascaux Cave France BY: Noah Smith Eli Clarke Jawan Wilson Greg McNeal
Religion In France there are 54% of people who are Christians There are 31% who are not religious 4% of people are Islam 1.2% of people worship Buddha 1% of people are Judaism and 10% are either other religions or no opinion
Picture Of Wall An Acrostic Poem for You Land scape Art Series of pictures Cave Animals Underground Xtra amount of animals
Government The Government of France is a semi- presidential system managed by the France constitution of the first Republic. It has an executive branch and legislative branch. The nation declares itself to be an invisible, secular, democratic, and social Republic. The principles of national sovereignty as destined by the Declaration of 1789.
Famous People Claude Monet was born in 1840 and died in Claude Monet was the leader of the Impressionist movement. He was born in Paris, France, but spent his youth in Le Havres beginning his career as a caricaturist. In 1860, Claude Monet went to Paris, France to study at the Ace Gleyre,where he met Pierre Auguste Renoir, Alfred Sisley and Jean Fredric Bazille. By 1872,after a stay in England where Monet studied the works of John Constable and Joseph Mallard, and William Turner, Claude Monet was ready to set up his own studio on the boat Argnteuil and paint river scenes in which all nature is reflected in water.An Impressionist is a painter whose affects of light upon objects and capturing various atmospheric conditions from 1865 to He developed the luminous style that is most closely associated with the Impressionist style results from the application of paint to white canvas in clear colors taken directly from the tube, and the techniques is based upon the observation that objects taken on color from there surroundings, from varying lights and from objects placed near them.
What We Learned Check out our essays in the hall explaining what we learned about Talking Walls this year.