Students are able to understand the concept of website application, especially server-side application Students are able to understand and apply how to design a dynamic website
– 40% Final Project – 35% Assignment – 25% Mid-Exam
1.Introduction 2.PHP, HTML, and State 3.Decisions, Loops, and Arrays 4.Files and Directories 5.Retrieving Data From MySQL using PHP 6.Using PHP to Manipulate Data in MySql 7.PHP5 and 8.UTS
9.OOP With PHP 10.MVC Concept 11.CodeIgniter (1) 12.CodeIgniter (2) 13.How to Create PHP Framework 14.How to Create PHP Framework 15.Presentation Final Project 16.Presentation Final Project
Mercer, Dave Baginning PHP 5. Wrox Press. Indianapolis, Indiana.
Castagnetto, Jesus et al Professional PHP Programming. Wrox
Upton, David CodeIgniter for Rapid PHP Applicarion Development. PACKT. Birmingham, UK