Space Management and IT : “The final frontier?” 2006 Auckland Workshop A Brave New World Orazio Liggieri Information Services Manager
Key Concepts Benefits of Integrated systems: Free data from & to other systems Enter once in source system & use many times Validate critical data from other systems to ensure consistency Work flows enforce business rules of the organisation.
Organisational Effectiveness People – right skills & knowledge Process – business rules documented & approved Technology – supports the organisation to achieve business objectives Process People Technology
Intergrated CAFM SYSTEMS USYD Total Information Facilities Management UNSW Integrated Workplace Management System
USYD Overview of Modules: Space Management –People data, Space & Org hierarchy Overlay for AutoCAD –Link drawings to database Building Operations Management –Preventative & Demand Maintenance – cust. interface Project Information Management System (PIMS) –Customised financial reporting / linked to NSS
USYD Used ARCHIBUS/FM to: Manage & monitor work request using e-Service Desk - KPI Generate graphical and text reports as required Maintained and updated the employee table Assist staff in accessing the e- Service Desk Trained staff in basic functionality
The e-work request : Secure – password protected Empowers the user, able to initiate request – access via the web Auto populates fields from employee details – reduce time & errors Informed on status – update on progress by USYD
Service delivery benefits: Reduces human intervention Faster response – problem type routed for approval/appropriate trade or service provider Accurate contact details & room location – link from ITS electronic phone book & room no. Automated billing – link to Finance NSS Automated reporting of KPI Allows for innovative service delivery – mobile technology USYD
USYD, Conclusion People Some not embracing the brave new world - requests not being completed, poor reporting on KPI Others see potential & push for improvements Project sponsor (AT) & champion (GG) in place Process Good & continually being improved. Annual budget allocated Technology Working well – roadmap in place for improvements
Momentum provides tools that are required to optimize the management of space, assets and services. fully web driven application A dynamic object oriented database Out of the box functionality (UNSW IT requirement) –Configuration? –Customisation? UNSW, Overview
Momentum Web Portal Access to information & process management via web navigation Intuitive interface functional & secure Access rights determine what you can see & do
Momentum Features Ease of Use Flexibility Instant Access- Web based – Intranet/Internet Integrated Reporting functionality Coordinated Scheduling Interactive Notification & customer surveys Out of the Box- based on best practice Can be easily customised using GUI interface opposed to code Business Processes - Driven by Workflows Document Management module – allows linking of documents to processes Three Server Configuration
Momentum Modules & Add-on Momentum Facilities Mgmt OperationsFacilities Options Brava Viewer Momentum Portfolio Document Mgmt Crystal Reports CAD Integrator Project Mgmt Employee Self Service API
Portfolio Comprehensive tracking and associations of People Locations (Space) Assets Organizations Geographies (Campus) and their complex relationships
Organize Your Information Maintain complete and up- to-date knowledge of the People, Locations and Assets that communicate and inform on : History Scheduled activities and events Costs Allows for an informed decision making process.
Manage Interlocking Relationships Understand which items are associated and how they are associated
Visual Navigation Web based graphical interface provides powerful reporting tool.
Assess the Global Portfolio Detailed information retrieved instantly via the web – so you are always in touch Supported by web- based graphics
Understand Your Opportunities Track terms, conditions, contacts, costs, critical dates all in one location Consolidated repository for leases and other contracts provides global accounting of your obligations and commitments – and gives you the information you need to adjust and optimize
Facilities Management Tools to optimize space occupancy and utilization Space Standards Enforcement Move Management Chargebacks Planning
Facilities Management Portfolio Project Manager Modules –Contracts Manager –Finance Manager –Inventory Management –Keys Management –Assets Management –Works Manager –Receiving Manager –Task Manager Employee Self Service –Requests –Relocations/Moves Interactive Reporting Visual Interface Bid Manager Budget Manager Catalogue Cost Code Manager Form Manager Locator Product & Services Template Manager Enforce Standards Space Allocation
Operations & Maintenance Enhancing the performance and extending the useful life of buildings and equipment Problem Resolution Preventive Maintenance Inventory and Stockroom Management Capital Renewal/ Replacement
Operations and Maintenance Efficient Problem Resolution Add Value through Maintenance Mobile Interfaces Portfolio Project Manager Modules –Contracts Manager –Document Manager –Finance Manager –Inventory Management –Keys Management –Assets Management –Works Manager –Receiving Manager –Task Manager Employee Self Service –Requests –Relocations/Moves Interactive Reporting Bid Manager Budget Manager Catalogue Cost Code Manager Form Manager Locator Product & Services Template Manager Space Allocation
Managing Project Manage schedules, costs, resource allocations to projects that affect the workplace Track progress against plan Monitor project impact on your operations
Templates & Workflows – Reflect Process Define new projects using a stored template Facilitate benchmarking and comparison
Employee Self-Service Users A powerful portal on every clients desktop Devolve & Empower users to: Request Locate Reserve With feedback on the status
Intuitive GUI Interface Drill down to define and specify the problem type Minimal data entry required to report problem. Fields pre-populated.
Search for a person Find Anyone, Anything, Anywhere Search for a Location or Asset anywhere in your system
Visual Display of Results Target location displayed
Conclusion People Keen & eager to use the system + need to be trained Process Improving existing & developing new for system Technology Fully web based Object orientated ‘Out of the box’ or heavily customised
Summary Improvement is a journey not a destination