How can others get it? Programme 10.30- 11.30 Session 1: How can others get it? (our heart) 11.30- 12.00: Coffee break with a difference ‘Out there’


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Presentation transcript:

How can others get it?

Programme Session 1: How can others get it? (our heart) : Coffee break with a difference ‘Out there’ Session 2: “Do something!” (our action) Lunch Stories of mission in our local contexts Session 3: Strategies to move from maintenance to mission (our leadership)

The ‘big spectacles’ disclaimer for the teaching

The Pioneer collective 400 new Baptist pioneers: GOING to where the church isn’t, DOING what Jesus does and SEEING what happens. ‘A risk taking Baptist sent to advance the Kingdom beyond the fringe of church in new and creative ways.’

What do you want to get out of today? What do you need? Your hope:

My hope: More of The Holy Spirit for the sake of those who need Jesus More love for people Strangers to friends to disciples

How can others get it? Our hearts- Acts 9

Others get it when we… 1.Believe God speaks (Acts 9 vs10) 2.Say ‘yes’ to God (Acts 9 vs10) 3.Be like a child (Acts 9 vs11-14) 4.Step up in faith (Acts ) 5.Have our feet firmly on the ground (Acts 9.19)

Why is ‘heart?’ important? 1.1 Peter 3.15 part A 2.Isaiah Isaiah Matthew 6.21

We need to: 1.Believe God speaks (Acts 9 vs10) ‘The Lord called to him in a vision…’ How does God speak to you? Obedience and practice are key ingredients to discipleship

We need to: 2.Say ‘yes’ to God (Acts 9 vs10-12) Ananias could have said: ‘No Lord, not me Lord, someone else Lord!’ The Lord Jesus was so confident in Ananias’ ‘yes’ that he had already told Saul that he was coming! More adventure is needed.

We need to: 3.Be like a child (Acts 9 vs11-14) He obeyed despite the evidence Going to a murderer Believed in the goodness of God

We need to: 4.Step up in faith (Acts ) What were the first words of Ananias to Saul? Discuss: what would you have said?

We need to: 5.Have our feet firmly on the ground (Acts 9.19) One minute performing miracles, the next making some brunch. Where have we seen this before?- John Be real. Need a coffee/ someone to listen? A bag of shopping? Recently I was stopped in the streets

Coffee break… Go and grab a coffee and ask 2 Questions: Jesus, where are you already at work? Is there someone here who is hurting?

Something new God has taught you…

“Do something!”

Brave I don’t want to behave, I’m tired. Sick of stingy conforming, Performing inside when outside Spirit is pouring I want to be a child who is brave. I don’t want to behave, To blend in, melt in with the crowd, It is rooftops I’m called, to announce aloud, I long to be a dancer who is brave.

I don’t want to behave, To hide away with nothing to say, To boredom, mud stuck mind I shout, go away! I long to be a follower of the brave. I don’t want to behave, To tight fisted heartedness, away from generous bliss, To go, kingdom stretching, it is this That I am wooed to do, to be a soldier who is brave. I don’t want to behave. I will be brave.

Do something… 1)The power of story 2)Evangelism is as much about challenging attitude as bringing knowledge 3)The vehicle of the message is as important as the message itself

1.The power of story How will our congregations be mobilised to do this stuff?! Group discussion: How have you demonstrated good news recently?

2. Evangelism is as much about challenging attitude as bringing knowledge Funday on a Sunday Step one to faith: Gig Coak

How could you creatively show what Jesus did on the cross in the centre of your town to people who have never been to church before or spoken much or at all to Christians?

3. The vehicle of the message is as important as the message itself Good news needs to be understood as good news…

The challenge: One bag of blessing One person One offer of prayer 30 minutes

The bag...

Gifts and a special message inside the bag!

Lunch till 2

Stories of mission in our churches…

How have you seen strangers become friends become disciples? What ‘projects’ worked? Which ones didn’t? Prayer for one another

Strategies to move from maintenance to mission

The best time to plant a tree is…

‘If you could start again with your church, what would it look like?' Small group discussion

Roman vs Celtic strategies Believe-Belong Behave-Believe Belong-Behave

In pairs work out what the percentage of what you do is: Come and hearGo and tell

How are you doing With your Breathing?

Where are you on the diagram?

Where is your church?

Strategies to help us move Ploughing, sowing, reaping, keeping People are on a journey God is doing what God does. He doesn’t want people to perish He is a missionary God We can help make sense of people’s God encounters

Wrap up Our heart, Our action Our leadership