Using Diction and Syntax to create Tone and Mood Brave New World Using Diction and Syntax to create Tone and Mood
First: Defining Tone and Mood The narrator’s, or speaker’s, attitude toward the subject of the text. Questions to ask yourself: Did the author explicitly say what his/her attitude is toward the subject? If not, what clues from the text helped me to infer the author’s attitude toward the subject? Mood: The reader’s feeling generated from the narrator’s tone.
Let’s Practice with non-print texts Turn to a blank sheet of paper in your notebook Divide the paper into thirds down the middle Label them: subject, tone, mood
Analyze the Tone and Mood
Analyze the Tone and Mood
Analyze the Tone and Mood
Géricault's The Raft of the Medusa Analyze the tone and mood of this painting.
Good Tone Words Write down tone words that you’ve seen in Brave New World as you watch