In this unit We will be studying a Media text – ‘Raiders of the Lost Ark’ We will be looking at how the director uses the languages of media to help tell.


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Presentation transcript:

In this unit We will be studying a Media text – ‘Raiders of the Lost Ark’ We will be looking at how the director uses the languages of media to help tell his story. We will write a critical essay which will detail what we have discussed.

Learning Outcomes Listening – As I watch: I can identify and give an accurate account of the purpose and main concerns of the text and can make inferences from key statements (LIT 204D) I can take notes and organise these to develop thinking, help retain and recall information, explore problems and create new texts (LIT 205E)

Learning Outcomes Reading To show my understanding, I can comment, with evidence, on the content and form of texts, respond to literal, inferential and evaluative questions (ENG 217T) I can discuss and comment on the structure, characterisation and setting I can identify the main theme of the text and recognise the relevance this has to my own and others’ experience I can identify and comment on aspects of the writer’s style and other features appropriate to genre using some relevant evidence. (ENG 219V)

LI: I can show I understand the plot and characters of the film Task Decide what you think the 6 most important scenes are in the film. Write them, in order of importance, into a pyramid.

Characters Task For each of the main characters, create a mindmap of words you would use to describe them. Indiana Jones Strong Brave

Indiana Jones (Harrison Ford) Marion Ravenwood (Karen Allen) Sallah (John Rhys-Davies) Belloq (Paul Freeman) Toht

Indiana Jones (Harrison Ford)

Marion Ravenwood (Karen Allen)

Sallah (John Rhys-Davies)

Belloq (Paul Freeman)


Essay Question ‘Indiana Jones is a hero that young people can look up to.’ Discuss how Steven Spielberg uses the languages of media to portray Indiana Jones as a hero.

Opening Scene (Always answer in sentences!) 1. Where and when is the opening scene set? 2. How are the audience supposed to feel about Belloq in this scene? Can you explain how the director makes you feel this way? 3. Indiana hates snakes. Why is this odd considering what we have already seen? 4. At this point, can you explain what makes Indiana Jones a hero?

College and Marion’s Tavern (Always answer in sentences!) 1.What is Indiana trying to find there? 2.Who else is trying to find it? 3.What is your first impression of Marion 4.How does the director show us that Indy is a hero?

Cairo (Always answer in sentences!) 1.What group of people have been set up to be the villains in the film? 2.Why do you think the film makers chose these people to be the villains? 3.What does the director do to show us they are bad? 4.How is Indiana Jones a hero?

Finding the Ark (Always answer in sentences!) 1.What is in the tomb other than the ark? How does this affect Indy? 2.What does Indy do that shows the audience he is a hero?

Fight at the Plane 1.Why are Marion and Indy at the plane? 2.Who is the large man who tries to stop him? 3.Does Indiana Jones kill him? 4.How does this affect our feelings about him?

Trucks 1.In this scene, Indiana Jones looks like a stereotypical hero – how? 2.What does he does he do that makes him a hero?

Essay Question ‘Indiana Jones is a hero that young people can look up to.’ Discuss how Steven Spielberg uses the languages of media to portray Indiana Jones as a hero.

Group Task 1 How does Steven Spielberg make Indiana Jones a hero, other than with the things he does? List the ‘media’ ideas such as: propsSettingCamera costume Make-upExpression MusicSoundMovement

Group Feedback

Sound Diegetic – Sound that is within the film. The actors/characters can hear it. It is natural sounds such as footsteps, dialogue and music from radios. Non-diegetic – Sound that is outwith the film. It is added later for the audience’s benefit. It includes sound effects and theme music.

We will be using STAR again to write our essays. S – Statement (This introduces your paragraph by explaining what part of the film you will be discussing.) T – Textual Evidence (This is where you give a detailed example from the film, including a reference to media languages) A – Analysis (Explain what your example shows and how the audience feels) R – Response to the question (Answer your question here. How is Indiana portrayed as a hero?)

S At the beginning of the book, Coraline is oblivious to the world on the other side of the door. As soon as she passes through the door, it is clear this place is unlike any other. She sees a figure that she thinks looks like her mother but she realises she is different. T Gaiman writes ‘Only her fingers were too long, and they never stopped moving, and her dark- red fingernails were curved and sharp….And then she turned round. Her eyes were big black buttons.’ A This description is very unsettling and unusual. The long fingers and sharp red nails sound horrible and dangerous, like a witch’s hands. The button eyes are scary, like a possessed doll. R This helps the reader picture this odd person. Tension is also created because we want to read on to find out what such a person might do with Coraline.

Opening Scenes S - What is happening in the film? T - Describe the technique A - Analysis R - Explain how this portrays Indiana Jones as a hero Walking through jungle followed by companions. Indy shot from the back, in shadows, costume, whip He looks mysterious, strong, in charge, a leader He seems like a hero because other people follow him. He is strong and can defend himself. A skeleton jumps out, impaled on spikes Sharp, screechy music, close up of Sapito screaming, Indy looks non- plussed Audience gets a fright, is worried about the dead body but we see Indy is brave. He is a hero because he is not scared when in a situation that would terrify most people.

Snakes S - What is happening in the film? T - Describe the technique A - Analysis R - Explain how this portrays Indiana Jones as a hero

Fight at Plane S - What is happening in the film? T - Describe the technique A - Analysis R - Explain how this portrays Indiana Jones as a hero

Truck S - What is happening in the film? T - Describe the technique A - Analysis R - Explain how this portrays Indiana Jones as a hero

Introduction What goes in a critical essay introduction? TitleAuthor/Director Summary of the plot Main characters Focus of your essay Aim for 50 words!

Introduction I will be writing about the film ‘Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark’. It was directed by Steven Spielberg. It stars Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones and Karen Allen as Marion Ravenwood. Indiana Jones is an archaeologist and he is trying to find the Ark of the Covenant before the Nazis do. In the film we see him do lots of heroic things and Steven Spielberg uses the languages of media to show us that he is a hero. A hero is a person who is brave and strong and puts himself before others. This is what Indiana Jones does.

Main Body You should use STAR Aim for 4 main paragraphs – one on each scene. Above all, you must be answering the question!

We will be using STAR again to write our essays. S – Statement (This introduces your paragraph by explaining what part of the film you will be discussing.) T – Textual Evidence (This is where you give a detailed example from the film, including a reference to media languages) A – Analysis (Explain what your example shows and how the audience feels) R – Response to the question (Answer your question here. How is Indiana portrayed as a hero?)

S At the beginning of the film, we see Indiana Jones in South America. He is trying to find a lost artefact for his museum. However, once he finds it, he is almost trapped in a cave. T During this scene we see lots of things that make the cave dangerous. There are hundreds of huge spiders and spider weds. There are booby traps that are designed to kill, such as spikes and darts that shoot out from the wall. There is also a huge rolling boulder that chases Indiana out of the cave, almost crushing him. A However, he escapes all of these life-threatening dangers. This shows he is strong, clever and brave and the audience really like him. R Steven Spielberg shows the audience that he is a hero by having him escape a situation that many people would have died in.

Conclusion A conclusion is the end paragraph where you sum up what you have said in the rest of your essay. Say again why you think Indian Jones is a hero. Say which part of the film or which media technique you found most effective in portraying him as a hero.