English Colonization in North America
Focus Question: What factors might encourage you to move to a different part of the U.S.?
Objectives After today’s lesson, you will: Identify three factors contributing to the growth of the Virginia Colony. Describe the challenges faced by Virginia colonists and steps taken to face those challenges
Entering the Game Late By the time England was ready: Spain had claimed much of South and Central America France claimed the rich fur lands of Canada and the Mississippi Valley English stuck with the Atlantic seaboard
English Advantages Excess Population Enclosure Movement Religious Dissent Growth of Joint-Stock Companies
Failed Early Attempts Trial and Error Method Patterns established Settlement Breakdown of order and purpose Disease and hunger Trouble with Native Americans Lacked Successful Model
Settlement of Jamestown Founded by Virginia Company of London Established to make a profit Colonists had to find a product Built with defense in mind Located in marshy area Defend against Spanish
Initial Difficulties “Starving Time” Winter of out of 500 colonists survived Powhatan War Deadly struggle with local Indian nation Ended with capture of Pocahontas Lacked financial crop
Overcame hardships Colony passed to capable leadership John Smith and “If You Don’t Work, You Don’t Eat” Thomas Dale’s military leadership Lord De La Warr’s steady hand John Rolfe and tobacco Blended a new strain of tobacco Found the product to make money
Recruiting Settlers Headright System 50 acres of land given to all free settlers 50 acres given for each servant brought to Virginia Indentured Servants Poor sold labor for passage to Virginia Work for 4 to 7 years for the owner of the indenture Enabled thousands to settle in the colony
Self-Government House of Burgesses formed in 1619 Provided self-government for Virginia Proposed and passed laws Determined salary of the governor “Popularly” elected Provided a model for future colonies
Achieves Success Developed New Model for Colonization Send large numbers of family groups Encourage small, privately owned farms Maintain military discipline Locate goods suitable for trade
Summary What was the most important idea learned today in class? Explain why that idea stood out.