Harpenden Free School. Its first year! Curious,Unique,Boundless Brave and Playful…where happy children learn!
Harpenden Free School Purpose: To highlight what has been achieved by a community within a community! Overview-there have been challenges, but progressively these have been addressed and incorporated into a strategy for 2013/14 Achievements: many…but academically, the school can go further! Challenges: New staff, new children, great hope! Future targets-3 key areas…but many many more! Testimonials: what our parents are saying
Harpenden Free School: a team approach Staff and Governors Parents and the wider community Children
Harpenden Free School: Our Mission: Our children and adults are nourished as brave, curious, boundless, unique and playful; prepared to be leaders in their communities. Our children: nourished as: BraveCuriousUniquePlayful Prepared to be leaders within their communities
Harpenden Free School: Values Curious, Unique, Boundless, Playful and Brave..
Harpenden Free School: Some of our values in action! Brave Take risks True to yourself Explore-try something new! Passion
Harpenden Free School: Curious Skills based teaching to encourage independent learning Child led topic choice Children encouraged to follow their interests
Harpenden Free School: Playful Joy and fun Positive and optimistic Outdoor learning Role play and drama
Harpenden Free School: Approaches to learning that have been developed during the year Warm and nurturing environment: parents made to feel part of a school as a community Free flow-children leading their own learning: use of the outdoors-Forest School a great strength Creative curriculum-research by children incorporated into planning. E.g. Holidays, Phileas Fogg and Postage Stamp competition
Harpenden Free School: Targets for next year New staff team appointed to add curricular expertise to the school Accurate tracking information recorded to aid pupil progress Rigorous planning and monitoring of core subjects Development of the Arts and Sport Development of a Learning Success programme to aid both low and high achievers Office efficiencies (particularly communications) through additional staff.
Three key priorities Communication Greater use of web site Greater planning and accuracy of calendar Tracking and reflection Use of tracking systems to enhance learning and teaching Staff encouraged to reflect on pupil outcomes and build reflection into their planning Empowering staff to excel Develop all to take greater involvement in school developing-build on their unique strength Develop an exceptional professional development culture
Testimonials What our parents are already saying: ‘We are delighted with the school and our child’s progress.’ ‘Very happy how caring the staff are. They genuinely take an interest in my son.’ ‘I believe my daughters natural enthusiasm for life would have been suppressed in other schools but at HFS she has been able to flourish.’ ‘Since starting at HFS, my eldest has become more confident, willing to face challenges and has overcome may previous fears.’ ‘The school ethos is excellent and our child is thriving on this. The development is on-going and we are aware of the enormity of the task ahead for the team.’ Satisfaction survey: April 2013: 95% of the parents gave a 95% satisfaction response!