Sarah Bishop Scott O'Dell
Sarah lives in a forest outside of Ridgford, New York. She lives in a cave that is next to a big beautiful lake. Sarah is a brave 15 year old girl. She is someone who never gives up no matter what happens. She has golden brown hair and brown eyes. Watch as Sarah has the adventure of a lifetime in the colonial times.
Man vs Nature Sarah has to live in the wilderness alone. Sarah has to live with the bears, copperhead snakes, hunger, and winter all just to stay alive. Not to mention rain, poisonous berries, and lightning But by the end of the story Sarah learns how to deal with all these problems and many more.
Sarah Bishop suffered many challenges before living in the wilderness and being alone. One day Chad (Sarah’s brother) and David (Chad’s friend) came to the Bishops’ house bringing a pamphlet called Common Sense by Thomas Paine. When they reached the house they showed it to Mr. Bishop (Sarah’s father). Mr. Bishop got angry and ripped the pamphlet up. A few days later an angry mob came to the house and tar and feathered Mr. Bishop. They also lit his house and barn on fire. A few days later Mr. Bishop died because of the disaster. Troubles at Home
Sarah is accused of starting a fire and gets put in British custody. Sarah was taken over to the jail and then gets relocated to the jail with her brother but finds out that Chad is dead. On the way back to the jail Sarah suddenly takes off her shoes, holds her nose and jumps in the estuary they were crossing to get to the jail. After she dove into the freezing water, her feet struck ground and she climbed out. The soldiers crossing her shot his gun at her head but missed by an inch. She fled to the Lion and Lamb to hide.
Recommended by… “I liked how the book had a British point of view!” – New York Times “This book really inspired me to read more historical fiction!” – Miami Harold “I loved how Sarah interacted with both loyalists and patriots!” – New York Best Seller
Credits Louie, Nico, Aman, Matthew with-oars.html with-oars.html / /