Quick Snapshot: Common Core and PARCC ●CCSS launched in 2009 though the National Governors Association for Best Practices (NGS Center) ●Common Core State Standards (CCSS) (2010), NJCCCS (1996) ●NJ adopted CCSS to replace 2009 NJCCCS in ELA/Math ●PARCC is 1 of 2 national assessment consortium testing students’ mastery of CCSS, Grades 3-11(NJ opted for PARCC) ●Focus shifted from meeting proficiency in standards to college/career readiness ●The standards (CCSS) are not our curriculum ●PARCC - Detailed diagnostic information ●Opt-Out ●Purpose - What tonight is and is not?
How can we prepare for a new era of assessments without compromising the integrity of our educational system? Preparing for the Common Core & PARCC
Information: What is the context and background surrounding the Common Core? Accountability: How are students/schools held accountable to the Common Core? Technology: What do I need to know about assessment technology? How can it be helpful to my child? Rigor: How will our students be prepared?
Information: What are key themes of information surrounding the Common Core Time & Implementation Cognitive Demand & Developmental Appropriateness Standards MovementImplications Across Curriculum
Time and Implementation Curriculum: 5 years of standards analysis and alignment + local curriculum designed to meet/exceed standards = no “extra” curriculum Testing: NJASK (12 hours) v. PARCC (9.5 hours + administration) Administration: Performance-Based Assessment (20-day window in March) + End-of-Year Assessment (20-day window in May) Accountability: Specific diagnostic/formative information, individualized by student
PARCC and Time Spent Testing
Cognitive Demand & Developmental Appropriateness “These standards are designed to raise the bar, but no one is stopping schools and teachers from exceeding the bar. In fact, the BASIS charter schools claim they complete the K-12 Common Core Standards by the 9th grade. I am sure many great schools with high bars could do this.” C. Culver (former, G. Bush education adviser) BASIS charter schools
Cognitive Demand & Developmental Appropriateness
Fourth grade students have a strong foundation in using the four operations with whole numbers. Students will have to wrestle with these relationships without much scaffolding so the numbers in the item are not too complex to ensure the task is still grade appropriate. The procedural skills are an important element of the solution path; however, the numbers were carefully chosen to ensure that application was the primary focus of the task. There are a wide variety of solution processes that students may use to receive full credit. Unlike traditional multiple choice, it is difficult to guess the correct answer or use a choice elimination strategy. (PARCC)
The Standards Movement
Implications Across Curricula
Language Arts Assessment
Two Assessments/Flexible Administration 1)Performance-Based Assessment (PBA) ●Writing Essays drawing evidence from sources, including multimedia ●Some reading comprehension assessment ●Combination of Human/Machine Scored ●March 2, 2015 through March 27, )End-of-year Assessment (EOY) ●Demonstrating comprehension of literary and informational texts ●Mostly Machine Scored ●April 27, 2015 through May 22, 2015
The Key Shifts at the Heart of PARCC Design and ELA Standards 1. Complexity: The standards require regular practice with complex text and its academic language. 2. Evidence: The standards emphasize reading and writing grounded in evidence from text, both literary and informational. 3. Knowledge: The standards require building knowledge through content rich nonfiction. Note: These shifts, which are required in teachers instruction and students’ performance, will be reflected in PARCC assessments.
Features of the Common Core and PARCC ELA Assessment PARCC includes questions with more than one right answer ●allows for students to generate a range of rich insights substantiated with evidence from text(s) PARCC simulates research ●allows for the comparison and synthesis of ideas across a range of informational sources
PARCC Types of Questions Evidence-Based Multiple Choice: A two part question Part 1: Traditional multiple choice question NJASK/NJCCS Part 2: A second multiple choice question that asks students to show evidence from the text to support their answer to Part 1 PARCC/CCS
Evidence-Based Multiple Choice: A two part question
PARCC Types of Questions Technology-Enhanced Constructed Response Uses technology to capture student comprehension of texts in authentic ways ●drag and drop ●cut and paste ●shade or highlight text ●move items
Technology Enhanced Response
PARCC Types of Questions Prose Constructed Response Elicits evidence that students have understood a text or texts they have read and can communicate that understanding well both in terms of written expression and knowledge of language and conventions Note: There are four of these items of varying types on the PBA
Prose Constructed Response Grade 7 You have read three texts describing Amelia Earhart. All three include the claim that Earhart was a brave, courageous person. The three texts are: “Biography of Amelia Earhart” “Earhart’s Final Resting Place” “Amelia Earhart’s Life and Disappearance” Consider the argument each author uses to demonstrate Earhart’s bravery. Write an essay that analyzes the strengths of the arguments about Earhart’s bravery in at least two of the texts. Remember to use evidence to support your ideas.
Mathematics Assessment
What Will be Assessed?