Prepare to Read (p. 36) About Beowulf The Stuff of Legends


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Presentation transcript:

Prepare to Read (p. 36) About Beowulf The Stuff of Legends Forging the Epic A Guide to Life

Grammar Focus - Appositives & Appositive Phrases page 62 appositive: appositive phrase: Example In his far-off home Beowulf, Higlac's / Follower and the strongest of the Geats

Important Terms and Devices 1. epic poem: __________________________________________________________________________________ 2. epic (legendary) hero: _________________________________________________________________________ 3. alliteration: __________________________________________________________________________________ 4. kenning: ____________________________________________________________________________________ 5. comitatus: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Other Important Vocabulary for Comprehension 1. scop – composers and storytellers of Anglo-Saxon poetry 2. moored – secure a ship 3. gables – decorative triangular-shaped roofing structures 4. wergild – a fine paid to the relatives of a murdered person to free the offender from further obligations or punishment. 5. linden – soft light wood 6. mead – an alcoholic drink of fermented honey and water 7. vexed – irritated, annoyed 8. gorges – eats greedily 9. sentinel – a person or thing that stands watch 10. talons – claws 11. sinews – tendons 12. hoary – gray or white with age 13. pyre – a bonfire for burning a dead body 14. hoard – a hidden or carefully guarded supply or accumulation of valuables 15. scabbard – a sheath for a sword 16. runic – consisting or set down in an ancient alphabet used for writing Germanic script, especially in Germanic languages, most often of Scandinavia and Britain from about the third to thirteenth centuries

It is a familiar scene: A brave hero battles his Beowulf It is a familiar scene: A brave hero battles his archenemy, an evildoer who will stop at nothing to win. The theme of hero and villain goes back more than twelve hundred years, to a time when Anglo-Saxon storytellers sang of the battles of Beowulf, the legendary warrior. Literary Analysis epic legendary hero *Keep a list of examples and textual evidence that proves Beowulf is an epic hero.

Journal Prompts Journal / Do Now Question Prompts – to be assigned and discussed 1. What is a hero? Explain your definition and give examples. 2. What is courage? How would most people today define courage? 3. What qualities do you believe a good leader should possess? Discuss leadership in our society. Name some modern leaders. What are the characteristics of contemporary leaders? What do we admire about them? 4. What does it mean to be loyal? Tell about a time you were loyal or someone was loyal to you. 5. Why is a reputation important? What factors influence a person’s reputation? 6. Why is generosity important? What does it mean to be generous? Write about or discuss the most generous person you know.

when quoting multiple lines from a poem or play . Remember: When reading Beowulf and other poetry, do not stop at the end of each line; this results in choppy lines and will inhibit your comprehension of the text. Read to the punctuation mark, and respond appropriately. Example - The text as it appears: Then, when darkness had dropped, Grendel Went up to Herot, wondering what the warriors Would do in that hall when their drinking was done. He found them sprawled in sleep, suspecting Nothing, their dreams undisturbed. The monster’s Thoughts were as quick as his greed or his claws; He slipped through the door and there in the silence … The text as it should be read: Then, when darkness had dropped, Grendel / Went up to Herot, wondering what the warriors / Would do in that hall when their drinking was done. He found them sprawled in sleep, suspecting / Nothing, their dreams undisturbed. The monster’s / Thoughts were as quick as his greed or his claws; / He slipped through the door and there in the silence … A slash (/) is used to indicate line breaks when quoting multiple lines from a poem or play .

The Wrath of Grendel The Wrath of Grendel The Wrath of Grendel 1. What does the story of Grendel’s origins suggest about the beliefs of Anglo-Saxon culture? 2. What does Grendel resent about Hrothgar and his men? 3. Paraphrase – What are the main ideas in the sentences in lines 34-40? 4. Literary Analysis – Terrorized by Grendel, Hrothgar and his followers face “Twelve winters of grief.” How does the length of their suffering increase the epic feeling of this tale?

The Coming of Beowulf 1. Why do the Danes flee Herot at night? 2. An epic hero embodies the values and the ideals of the culture that produces him. On the basis of Beowulf’s description (lines 109-122), what qualities do you think were valued by Anglo-Saxons? 3. Paraphrase lines 125-131. 4. Literary Analysis – How do word choice and other stylistic features of the watchman’s speech add a serious, epic tone to his question (lines 151-171)? 5. Literary Analysis – What does Beowulf’s way of identifying himself suggest about the values of a warrior culture (lines 173-179)? 6. Literary Analysis – How do Beowulf’s boasts of great deeds and his announcement of his plan establish him as a hero?

The Battle with Grendel 1. Line 317: Use context clues to define bolted. 2. Literary Analysis – How do the “renaming” of Grendel in line 325 emphasize the weighty significance of the battle that is about to begin? 3. Consider Grendel’s recognition that he is feuding with God (p. 48). How might this change his perspective? The Monsters’ Lair 1. How does Beowulf’s battle with Grendel end?

The Battle with Grendel’s Mother 1. Who is Edgetho’s brave son? 2. Who is Hrunting? 3. Paraphrase the sentence describing the combat in lines 498-502. 4. Lines 527-533 underscore the pagan-Christian blend in this poem. The Christian God is said to give Beowulf _______________, and yet the sword Beowulf finds on the wall was “_________________” with the _____________ of giants. 5. How does Beowulf dishonor the corpse of Grendel for his evil deeds against Hrothgar and his men?

The Last Battle 1. Literary Analysis – What does Beowulf’s speech in lines 630-649 suggest to you about Anglo-Saxon values? 2. Literary Analysis – What do lines 717-741 reveal about the values of warrior culture? 3. Literary Analysis – According to Wiglaf, what is Beowulf’s relationship with his followers like (lines 745-760)? Why, as it says in line 744, is this speech what these men deserve? 4. Literary Analysis – What does Wiglaf’s decision suggest about the way in which a legendary hero can inspire heroism in others?

The Spoils 1. Literary Analysis – In Beowulf’s death scene, what is shown about the importance in warrior culture of the commemoration of individuals after death? The Farewell 1. What is Beowulf’s last request?

OPEN-ENDED QUESTION / RACE RESPONSE Thinking About the Selection #4 What does Beowulf's speech in lines 246-255 show about how he defines his identify? Although Beowulf is brave and Grendel is spiteful, both might be said to act out of pride. Explain. OPEN-ENDED QUESTION / RACE RESPONSE Beowulf is an epic tale influenced by both pagan and Christian traditions. ·Identify an example from the epic in which the memory of Beowulf's deeds inspires someone. ·Do you think Beowulf's deeds make him a good role model?. Use details from the text to support your response.