Daily Objective/s: To learn to successfully write a rhetorical analysis essay and complete multiple choice selections for the AP exam. Daily Activities and Assessment: As you come in, watch video of people participating in extreme sports at: ▪ ▪ (In other words, if they can jump off mountains—you can write an AP essay!) Assign Literary Terms Assignment #1 on p.64 - due September 18 (A Day)/ 19 (B Day) Assign One Child Autobiographical Essay p.137- due September 12 to and presented September 13 (B Day)/ 14 (A Day) Complete AP Essay #1 (worth 50 points) Complete AP Multiple Choice Practice #1 (worth 10 points)
Daily Objective/s: To understand specialized vocabulary for success on the AP exam. Daily Activities and Assessment: Work independently on literary terms assignment Read “How to Escape from a Bad Date” in Patterns for College Writing on p Pick any five questions on p to answer on your own; in a group of three of four, create five AP-style multiple choice questions using guidelines on p of your guidebook. You should also in your group do another set of guidelines on the topic of “How to Escape from _______”; it can be serious or humorous in nature.
Daily Objective/s: To work cohesively in a cooperative learning group. Daily Activities and Assessment: Assign Comparison/Contrast essay on Brave New World (p. 55); rough draft is due September 12 at 11:59 pm and we will work on it in class on September 12 in Rm. 213; peer editing is due September 14 at 11:59 pm and we will work on it in class on September 14 in Room 213; final draft is due September 20 and we will work on it in class in Rm. 215 on September 20. I will also pass out handout on finding literary criticism using Panther Central. Work in groups on Brave New World Group Review and creative activity—due next class period (and to turnitin.com by the time class starts) Bring Readings for Writers next class period
Daily Objective/s: To understand the implications of a dystopian society. Daily Activities and Assessment: Share Brave New World Group Review and Creative Activity Go over Readings for Writers assigned in syllabus. We will discuss “That Lean and Hungry Look” “Rules for Aging” and “That Time of Year” together
Daily Objective/s: To comprehend the dystopian implications of a Brave New World society. To understand satire. Daily Activities and Assessment: Present Brave New World projects Go over review for Thursday’s test on The Last Lecture and Brave New World- worth 125 points Go over satire by reading definitions from Samuel Johnson’s Dictionary and coming up with our own satirical definitions Read “A Modest Proposal” and go over how to write A Modest Proposal p.73 (We will do this in-class after the test on Thursday due to the fact that the labs have been hijacked by FAIR testing; therefore you will not be required to write a rough draft, do formal peer editing, and write a final draft. You will, however, be expected to share parts of your written draft on Thursday.)
Daily Objective/s: To be successful in taking a college-level comprehensive test. To understand satire. Daily Activities and Assessment: Take test on Brave New World and The Last Lecture Write your own Modest Proposal (p. 73) When finished, skim Chapters 41 and 42 in Literature and do an activity (p. 76)