Aldous Huxley is born in the village of Godalming, Surrey, England, July 26.
Huxley enters Eton College in September, planning to specialize in biology.
Huxley withdraws from Eton after an attack of keratitis punctata causes blindness.
After surgery, Huxley recovers partial sight, but will be plagued with bad eyesight for the rest of his life.
Huxley enters Balliol College, Oxford. In 1916, he receives a First in English Literature. Publishes The Burning Wheel.
Huxley publishes Jonah. Accepts a teaching post at Eton from September 1917 to February He continues to publish, including poetry.
Huxley joins the editorial staff of the Athenaeum, a weekly literary review. Marries Maria Nys, July 10.
Huxley publishes Limbo and Leda. The Huxleys’ son, Matthew, is born in April.
Publishes Crome Yellow
Publishes On the Margin: Notes and Essays and Antic Hay. Moves to Italy, which was under the authoritarian rule of Benito Mussolini. This experience, as well as his readings on the communist Soviet Union provided much his material for the backdrop of Brave New World.
Publishes Those Barren Leaves, Along the Road: Notes and Essays of a Tourist, and Selected Poems. In September, begins around-the-world trek.
Huxley publishes Point Counter Point. Moves to France.
Continues to publish. Visits his good friend D.H. Lawrence in France and is with him when Lawrence dies, March 2, 1930
Becomes active in the pacifist movement (non- violent resistance, focusing on diplomacy rather than weaponry). Publishes 1936…Peace?, The Olive Tree, and Other Essays, and What Are You Going to Do About It? The Case for Constructive Pacifism. League of Nations
Publishes Brave New World and other works, as well as editing The Letters of D.H. Lawrence.
In 1937, Huxley travels to the United States. In 1938, he and his family move to Los Angeles, California. Publishes The Most Agreeable vice. Begins writing for the movies, under contract for MGM.
Huxley continues to publish almost a dozen works of various genres.
"If we could sniff or swallow something that would, for five or six hours each day, abolish our solitude as individuals, atone us with our fellows in a glowing exaltation of affection and make life in all its aspects seem not only worth living, but divinely beautiful and significant, and if this heavenly, world-transfiguring drug were of such a kind that we could wake up next morning with a clear head and an undamaged constitution-then, it seems to me, all our problems (and not merely the one small problem of discovering a novel pleasure) would be wholly solved and earth would become paradise." ALDOUS HUXLEY
Takes the hallucinogenic drug mescaline under the supervision of Dr. Humphrey Osmand. Over the next decade, he will take the hallucinogenic drugs about 10 more times.
Huxley publishes The Doors of Perception, a book on his experimentation with the drug mescaline. The name comes from a line in The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, a poem by William Blake.
Huxley’s wife, Maria, dies in February. Publishes The Genius and the Goddess.
Marries Laura Archera, March 19. Publishes Heaven and Hell and Adonis and the Alphabet, and Other Essays (U.S. title: Tomorrow and Tomorrow, and Other Essays).
Huxley publishes Brave New World Revisited.
Publishes Collected Essays. Lectures on “The Human Situation” as visiting professor at the University of California at Santa Barbara. Receives the Award of Merit for the Novel from the American Academy of Arts and Letters.
Publishes On Art and Artists (edited by Morris Philipson). Presents a series of lectures, “What a Piece of Work Is Man,” as Centennial Carnegie Visiting Professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Is diagnosed as having cancer of the tongue.
Publishes Island, his last novel, while serving a stint as visiting professor at the University of California, Berkley. Elected a Companion of Literature.
The first global TV trauma happened November 22, That afternoon, as a media frenzy centered on the Kennedy assassination, another death took place, in Los Angeles. Knowing the end was near, as they had planned, Laura Huxley twice that day injected Aldous with 100 mg of LSD, speaking and reading to him from the Tibetan Book of the Dead continuously until he died at 5:20 that afternoon. --Reppy Duart
“Maybe this world is another planet’s hell” “There are things known and there are things unknown, and in between are the doors of perception” “Experience is not what happens to you; it’s what you do with what happens to you.”
Henry Ford ( ) was from Detroit, Michigan, USA and made his first car in his back yard in After several false starts, the Ford Motor Company was formed in The first product was the Model A, introduced in the same year. Their most successful product ever, the Model T, came out in September The Model T was the world's most successful car of the pre- WWII era. Between 1908 and 1927, sales outstripped any other with over 15 million cars and commercial vehicles produced world-wide... approximately 100,000 Model-Ts survive... they were available in a variety of body styles, however the basic mechanical specification was the same in each.
Brave New World is centered around both control and manipulation He instills the fear that a future world state may rob us of the right to be unhappy.
Setting: 2540 AD referred to in the novel as 632 years AF (“After Ford”), meaning 632 years after production of the first Model T car
Narration: Third-person omniscient Point-of-View: Narrated in the third person from the point of view of Bernard or John, but also from the point of view of Lenina, Helmholtz Watson, and Mustapha Mond
This novel is more applicable today than it was in This is a time of: propaganda, censorship, conformity, genetic engineering, social conditioning, and mindless entertainment. This was what Huxley saw in our future. His book is a warning.
Consider the number of ads for prescription drugs, which are permitted only in the United States and New Zealand Doctors and consumer advocates believe these ads drive up health-care costs and seduce millions into asking their MDs for drugs they don’t need for diseases they had never before heard of, like restless leg syndrome Do we have a modern soma?
“Manmade utopia is an oxymoron.” - Mike Duran