One summer day a tailor sat sewing in his workshop. It was very hot so he opened the window to let in some fresh air, and some flies came in too. They buzzed all round.
They buzzed so much he found it hard to think about his sewing. At last he picked up the fly- swatter. Smack! To his great surprise he got seven with one blow.
When the king heard about this he sent for the tailor and said: “If you are clever enough to do that, maybe you could capture the giants who are spoiling our fields?”
The tailor said he would do his best and left the palace, making his way towards a mountain-top where the giants were last seen. He found them there, both fast asleep.
Very very quietly he climbed a tree, taking a few pebbles with him. Then he began to drop the stones gently onto the sleeping giants. They woke up and roared: “What’s this?”.
They each thought that the other giant had thrown stones at him, and they began to fight. They fought and fought. Neither of them would give in.
In the end they tired each other out and just lay there exhausted. “All your soldiers now have to do is take them both far away”, the tailor told the king.
The king was delighted and so was his daughter, the princess. She married the brave tailor and everyone in the land was glad to have such a brave and clever prince.
This story is a fable. The tailor killed the giants. The tailor was very clever. The tailor became a prince.