of the Says a legend of the indians sioux that one day Brave Bull and Blue Cloud of given hands was in the tent of old sorcerer of the tribe. They Call upon someone for advice:
- We're in love and we go marrying. But we want a pice of advice to live forever together. Assures to be one to the side of the other until the death. It has something that we can make?
And the old, deeply touched to see young people very passionate e very anxious for a word, said:
- It exists some things, although they are very hard tasks. You, Blue Cloud, must scale the mount to the north of the village only with a net to fish, to hunt the hawk most vigorous and to bring it here, with life, until the third day after the full moon. You, Brave Bull, will have to scale the mountain of the throne. In the top, you will find the bravest of all eagles. Only with a net to fish it will have to capture it, bringing it for alive me!
The two embraced with tenderness, if fired and each one would go fulfill its mission. In the established day, in the front of the tent of the wizard, the two waited with the birds.
The old pulled out the birds of the bag and evidenced that they were truily pretty units of the animals that it had asked for. And now, what we will make? The young persons asked. -It holds the birds and it moors one to the other for the feet with these leather ribbons. When they will be moored, free them so that they fly free.
Once that was ordered and released the birds. The eagle and the falcon had tried to fly, but they had only obtained to jump to the ground. Minutes later, irritated for the impossibility of the flight, the birds had hurled one against the other, pecking itself until if hurting. Then the old said:
-Never forget what it was seen, this is my advice. You are as the eagle and the hawk. If are moored, same for the love, you will not only live to crawl itself, as well as, early or late, you will start to wound one to the other.
If you desire that the love lasts forever, fly together, but never moored. Liberates the person who you love so that it can fly with proper wings.
This is a truth in the marriage and also in the familiar relations, of friendships and professionals. It respects the right of the people to fly route to the dream of them. The main lesson is to know that only free the people are capable to love.
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