Generational Groups copyright © Crusaders 2005 Used by permission
Generational Groups Builders Born between 1927 and Grew up in a pessimistic time of the Great Depression and World War II. Impact: As a result they were over- protected by their parents, learnt the need to be self-sufficient and the importance of winning.
Generational Groups Baby boomers Born between 1946 and Grew up in a much more optimistic time - a victorious society. Childhood was at a time of economic boom and exploring a brave new ‘post war’ world. Impact: Traditional values started to be rejected and there followed a time of breaking new ground (e.g. 1960s sexual revolution).
Generational Groups Generation X Born between 1965 and Born into the perceived dysfunction of the Baby Boomer generation. The world they have inherited has included, among other things: –an increase in unemployment –longer working weeks –a rise in young adult poverty –a fall in actual income –the threat of AIDS –the highest ever divorce and suicide rates –spiralling violence in schools –an ever-widening pattern of drug abuse
Generational Groups Impact: Learning to be self-sufficient and relying more on friends than family. The inherited problems listed before became accepted realities. Working to live, not living to work.
Generational Groups Mosaics or Generation Y Born between 1983 and 2002(+?) Growing up in a time where attitudes towards children have shifted again. Characteristics of this generation include: –Independence – they have to be, family has failed them, they want responsibility. –Materialism – consumerism is king, self-fulfilment, highly brand conscious, image is everything. –Hedonism – pleasure-seeking with few inhibitions. Subjectivity – particularly when it comes to truth (it’s okay if we say so), which means they are morally tolerant
Generational Groups Sophistication – technology e.g. phones, computers, i-pods. Scepticism – whom can you trust? Apoliticalism – expect little from the Government. Right-brained – use feelings (right-brain) rather than facts (left-brain), hence experience is everything, particular shared experience. Spiritual – but not interested in Christianity.