A project by Michael Christina Panagia Theoskepasti Gymnasium 2 PANAGIA THEOSKEPASTI GYMNASIUM
A project by Michael Christina Panagia Theoskepasti Gymnasium 3 Some Christmas traditions and customs of our country are no longer kept due to the contemporary way of life. Lesson: Geography Teacher: Lazaridou Constantina Translator: Theodorou Georgia
A project by Michael Christina Panagia Theoskepasti Gymnasium 4 The custom to kill a pork is now extinct In the old times each family used to breed a pork and they used this meat to make several foods. They made sausages, jelatine e.t.c. In the old times each family used to breed a pork and they used this meat to make several foods. They made sausages, jelatine e.t.c. The poor pork is not in danger any more. The poor pork is not in danger any more.
A project by Michael Christina Panagia Theoskepasti Gymnasium 5 Chicken soup after the church on Christmas Day On Christmas Day people go to church and after the church service is over, they enjoy their hot chicken soup at home.
A project by Michael Christina Panagia Theoskepasti Gymnasium 6 A main source of meat in the old times was pork meat
A project by Michael Christina Panagia Theoskepasti Gymnasium 7 The turkey on Christmas table The custom to have roasted stuffed a turkey on Christmas Day, along with other types of meat, has come from abroad.
A project by Michael Christina Panagia Theoskepasti Gymnasium 8 Melomakarona and Courambiedes Some very delicious sweets like melomakarona and courambiedes decorate the Christmas table. Some very delicious sweets like melomakarona and courambiedes decorate the Christmas table. Christmas cake is also a foreign custom. Christmas cake is also a foreign custom.
A project by Michael Christina Panagia Theoskepasti Gymnasium 9 The decoration of Christmas tree People in Cyprus decorate the Christmas tree. People in Cyprus decorate the Christmas tree.
A project by Michael Christina Panagia Theoskepasti Gymnasium 10 Christmas Carols Christmas Carols are sung all around on Christmas Eve, New Year’s Eve as well as on Epiphany Day.
A project by Michael Christina Panagia Theoskepasti Gymnasium 11 Small branch of an olive tree People who have got a fire place at home, throw a small branch of an olive tree into the fire while making a wish for somebody to love them. If the branch burns with noise, this means the wish comes true. People who have got a fire place at home, throw a small branch of an olive tree into the fire while making a wish for somebody to love them. If the branch burns with noise, this means the wish comes true.
A project by Michael Christina Panagia Theoskepasti Gymnasium 12 On New Year’s Eve the table is set for Santa Claus A glass of wine for him to drink New Year’s pie to eat, a candle to light the way a purse to bring money and some nuts and wheat seeds so that people have good crops in the new year. A glass of wine for him to drink New Year’s pie to eat, a candle to light the way a purse to bring money and some nuts and wheat seeds so that people have good crops in the new year.
A project by Michael Christina Panagia Theoskepasti Gymnasium 13 Blessed fields Wheat spread all over the fields during New Year’s Day so that fields are blessed and fertile. Wheat spread all over the fields during New Year’s Day so that fields are blessed and fertile.
A project by Michael Christina Panagia Theoskepasti Gymnasium 14 Wishes for the New Year and the cutting of Santa Claus pie. At 12: 00 midnight the host of the house cuts the Santa Claus cake for everyone. At 12: 00 midnight the host of the house cuts the Santa Claus cake for everyone. The lucky one finds the golden coin in his/her piece of cake. The lucky one finds the golden coin in his/her piece of cake.
A project by Michael Christina Panagia Theoskepasti Gymnasium 15 The presents of Santa Claus Children find their presents under Christmas tree.
A project by Michael Christina Panagia Theoskepasti Gymnasium 16 Old customs in Cyprus An old custom was to enter the house stepping on the right foot, after church, so that everything goes right in the New Year. An old custom was to enter the house stepping on the right foot, after church, so that everything goes right in the New Year.
A project by Michael Christina Panagia Theoskepasti Gymnasium 17 Wishes and kisses after the church On New Year’s Day people also go to church and after the service they express wishes and kiss each other.
A project by Michael Christina Panagia Theoskepasti Gymnasium 18 Custom of Epiphany On Epiphany Eve, the village priest used to go round the houses helped by a small boy who carries the “holy water” to each family.
A project by Michael Christina Panagia Theoskepasti Gymnasium 19 Custom of Epiphany After church, women carry little candles from church to their homes to symbolize the Holy Sprit.
A project by Michael Christina Panagia Theoskepasti Gymnasium 20 The blessing of holy water During Epiphany Day the church service is integrated along the sea front where in front of the people the priests drop the Holy Cross into the sea. At the same time some “brave” people jump into the cold water to bring back the cross.
A project by Michael Christina Panagia Theoskepasti Gymnasium 21 Good morning ……..they money first Children used to visit grandparents, god mothers and god fathers, uncles ad aunts to wish them and they used to give money to them. Children used to visit grandparents, god mothers and god fathers, uncles ad aunts to wish them and they used to give money to them.
A project by Michael Christina Panagia Theoskepasti Gymnasium 22 A most remarkable belief about these days is the myth of kalikandzari. They are devil like black shapes who used to saw the tree which holds the earth, according to tradition.
A project by Michael Christina Panagia Theoskepasti Gymnasium 23 The kalikanzari disappear after the water is purified with the Holy Spirit on Epiphany Day During the twelve, day Christmas period, they stop sawing the tree and come up on the earth to steal sausages and trick people.
A project by Michael Christina Panagia Theoskepasti Gymnasium 24 Bibliography Cyprus Customs / Cyprus Voice – Cyprus voice through the Internet Cyprus Customs / Cyprus Voice – Cyprus voice through the Internet Photos from the Internet Photos from the Internet Photos from Google earth Photos from Google earth