Wireless E911 Overview and Status Update David Woodcock Director, Product Management Motorola Canada PCS
FCC E911 Mandate This year* 100m accuracy for 67% of calls 300m accuracy for 95% of calls Phase 2* 50m accuracy for 67% of calls 150m accuracy for 95% of calls Subscriber Activations* Certain % of new adds must be location-capable *Exact dates and mandate vary by carrier
Position Determination Options Network-Based Assisted GPS Technologies –TDOA (3 sites minimum) –AOA (2 sites minimum) –Multipath “Fingerprint” (1 site minimum) New site equipment Legacy handset are supported Handset modifications –Memory –A-GPS Integrated Chip Sets –Second Antenna –Software 1 site + 3 GPS Sat solution New network boxes Legacy handsets not supported Serving Cell Neighbor Cell # 1 Neighbor Cell # 2 MS Wideband or Scanning Receivers Location Calc & Control GPS Assist E-OTD/AFLT Serving Cell Neighbor Cell # 1 Neighbor Cell # 2 MS Synchronized Sites or LMU’s Handset modifications –Software –Memory TDOA (3 sites minimum) May require new site equipment & network boxes Legacy handsets not supported Serving Cell MS Location Calc & Control GPS Sat
How they compare MLC Increase in Accuracy Increase in Coverage (Dense Urban, Valleys, Indoors) Increase Accuracy Cell ID EOTD, AFLT GPS (Auto) A-GPS (Assist) HS Changes None Software SW + HW SW + HW Added Cost None Low High High Accuracy m (Cell) m m m TTFF < 5 Sec 5-20 Sec Sec <5 Sec
Hybrid: EOTD / AFLT Network sends a burst message to the handset Handset calculates time differentials & reports back. Network calculates handset position
Hybrid: AGPS GPS Assistance data Network provides assistance data to handset to limit satellite acquisition times. Handset receives GPS data from satellites (three required for position determination) Handset reports ‘pseudo- ranges’ to network for position determination. Pseudo-ranges Network calculates handset position
Handset vs. Network Based Pros –Minimum Network Impact –Greater Subscriber Privacy? –Proven High Degree of Accuracy Using GPS –Less network maintenance Cons –Legacy Issue –Handset size, cost, battery life –GPS antenna issues Pros –Ability to Deploy on an as Needed Basis –Addresses Legacy Phones and Roamers Cons –More Site Antennas or new sites may be Required in Some Areas –Additional Equipment At Cell Site –Large Initial Capital Requirement –Calibration and additional maintenance Handset Network
U.S. Carrier Plan of Record CarrierMALocation Technology GSM E-OTD TDMA/GSM Network / E-OTD TDMA/GSM Network / E-OTD CDMA2000 AGPS/AFLT CDMA2000 AGPS/AFLT CDMA2000 AGPS/AFLT iDEN AGPS U.S. Carriers have selected handset-based solutions
Motorola Handset Roadmap GSM/GPRS Several EOTD-capable products launching in 2H02 All future products will have EOTD CDMA/1X One AFLT handset launching in June Three AGPS handsets launching in 2H02 All future products will have AGPS Multiple hardware and software solutions available for EOTD / AGPS
Then What? Carrier network must calculate and report location to PSAP “Push” – if location information is available at call-setup “Pull” – if not available initially, or to update location information during call PSAPs must be ready to integrate ALI from wireless devices
Issues… Relevance –Does the (mobile) location data have any meaning? –How current is it? (street addresses can’t move…) Accuracy –Performance in urban and rural areas –Satellite acquisition / multi-path signals –Cell site separation Privacy –Do users really want to be found? –Users have ability to disable location service except during 911 calls The challenge goes beyond technology
Handset capabilities are just the foundation Network location determination PSAP capabilities Handset location capabilities Data Usefulness Many bricks needed to build the structure
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