filename / 1© 2001 / GERMANY EYES SMS TERRORIST WARNING SYSTEM German officials are considering the implementation of an SMS system to warn the public of terrorist attacks and disasters. SMS dienst over rampen in NL Hengelo - RTV Oost wil via een nieuwe SMS service bewoners informeren over rampen in hun omgeving. Op basis van de postcode worden de berichten verstuurd. Hoevaak berichten worden verstuurd is nog onbekend. ETSI - Emergency Telecommunications Citizen alert via cell broadcast
filename / 2© 2001 / Mobile Network Citizen – alert (scenario) Emergency alert: Abandon AKZO area immediately! Emergency alert: Abandon AKZO area immediately! Emergency alert: Abandon AKZO area immediately! Smoke alert: Close windows and doors and turn on TV or radio Smoke alert: Close windows and doors and turn on TV or radio + area info + new area info
filename / 3© 2001 / What is Cell Broadcast ? Traffic information: Road blocked because of emergency The mobile network broadcasts messages to all handsets located within a cell the handset presents only the message for the channels, which have been activated by the mobile user
filename / 4© 2001 / Service characteristics of Cell Broadcast Cost effective distribution of information to large group of users Full and direct end user control over received information Unconfirmed push Text and binary messages Location specific Real time
filename / 5© 2001 / What is a Cell Broadcast System? Cell Broadcast Entity (at content providers) Cell Broadcast Centre (at operator) Mobile Network (network/mobile user) Cell Broadcast System consists of: Cell Broadcast Entity Cell Broadcast Centre
filename / 6© 2001 / BSC CBC BSC Smoke Alert: Close doors and windows and turn on TV or radio! Functional Concept
filename / 7© 2001 / Preconditions/Topics to cover Uniform CB-channel Handset activation of cell broadcast Operator involvement Telecom and Alarm Legislation
filename / 8© 2001 / ETSI Workshop discussion Raise awareness of Cell Broadcast; disseminate information to relevant parties Define cell broadcast as critical element in network infrastructure Assign Cell Broadcast Forum to set standards for CB as critical component (standard CB-channel for emergency) Support standardization of mobile phone to activate “citizen alert” (dedicated ‘alarm beep’, standard menu- names) Governmental legislation across Europe to enable “citizen alert” and avoid misusage. (EC, countries and ????)
filename / 9© 2001 / References The Cell Broadcast Forum can be found at: For more information about E911 visit and click on Fact Sheets FCC Wireless requirements. For a fact sheet summarizing the enhanced 911 (E911) Phae II implementation plans and mandatory conditions adopted by the Commission for five of the six nationwide carriers visit and scroll down to fact sheets, E911 Phase II Decisions For more information about CGALIES visit For more information about the Wireless Communications Publis Safety Act of 1999, visit For more informaiton about CALEA visit For more information about the Location Privacy Protection Act of 2001, visit and enter “S 1164” in the “By Bill Number” field For more information about European privacy law, visit Scroll down to Porposal for a Directive of the European Parlament and of the Council concerning the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector and click on the language of your choice. English is “EN”.