Submission doc.: IEEE 11-11/0333r1 March 2011 Akira Yamada, NTT DOCOMO, Inc.Slide 1 TGai Possible Use Cases Date: Authors:
Submission doc.: IEEE 11-11/0333r1 March 2011 Akira Yamada, NTT DOCOMO, Inc.Slide 2 Abstract This presentation shows additional TGai use cases [1]-[2].
Submission doc.: IEEE 11-11/0333r1 Internet Access from Train at Station Actor(s): - Handset users Device sets: - Handset Access Point Internet Goal: - Let large # of STAs access to the Internet within a limited time Scenarios: - A crowded train stops at a station - A large # of STAs access to the Internet to download contents (e.g. Podcast, Tickets, etc…) during train staying at the station - STAs complete contents downloading. Users enjoy the downloaded contents inside the train Slide 3Akira Yamada, NTT DOCOMO, Inc. March 2011
Submission doc.: IEEE 11-11/0333r1 Information / Ads. Distribution Actor(s): - Handset users Device sets: - Handset Access Point Internet or specific server Goal: - Let large # of STAs access to the Internet within a limited time - Ability to update contents unknowingly Scenarios: - Distribute floor maps/ parking information / advertisement to handset users walking or driving by shops/digital signages/parking. - Owners of shops/digital signages distribute cooking recipe at supermarkets. - Users get advertisement or train timetable around LCD displays in train Slide 4Akira Yamada, NTTDOCOMO, Inc. March 2011
Submission doc.: IEEE 11-11/0333r1 Surechigai Communication Actor(s): - Handset users Device sets: - Handset Handset Goal: - Let STAs exchange application data with one-another automatically when STAs are in the communication range. Scenarios: - Two or more (un)known users using same applications come closer in trains, shops, etc… - As soon as handsets find other handsets, applications start data exchange within a limited time. Slide 5Akira Yamada, NTT DOCOMO, Inc. March 2011
Submission doc.: IEEE 11-11/0333r1 Questions & Comments Slide 6Akira Yamada, NTTDOCOMO, Inc. March 2011
Submission doc.: IEEE 11-11/0333r1 Reference [1] ai-use-case-senario-for-tgai.pptx [2] ai-use-case-discussion.pptx Slide 7Akira Yamada, NTTDOCOMO, Inc. Month Year