1 Product Development, Environments & Testing Mobile Solutions
3 Agenda INSIGHT ABOUT Torsten Dinkheller HYBRID APPS What's that? ▪ Hybrid vs. Native ▪ How you dare to use it THE „why to go for it“ FOR Developers ▪ Managers PROVE IT Benchmark ▪ Live Example (Hamburger Menu)
4 About your Speaker: Torsten Dinkheller programming since 1981 after school worked for Nixdorf University 1997 Silicon Studios LA, USA Games Industry 1999 Piranha Bytes (Gothic) 2001 Mobile Games 2006 Nintendo DS Games 2009 first Business Smartphone App started with native programming switched to hybrid app programming (12 Apps: Mercedes Benz Service App …)
5 Hybrid Apps
6 How does it work
7 Hybrid vs. Native Differences HTML–Rapid, cross-platform user experience (Content) Native–Power and device features (Games) Hybrid–Combine HTML + device features + available in Stores Limitations HTML–No DNA sequencing, Reasonable data models Keep animations above 30 frames Native–Not by handset means Hybrid–Same as HTML
8 How you dare to use it? There is a war out there Started with Steve Jobs vs. Flash Not only mobile, but smart TV, XBOX, Playstation It‘s everywhere Not only developers, but in each company
9 Must haves in a debate Garbage Collector Threading Animation Speed Double Click problem DOM Pollution App Size
10 Solutions
11 TOP 6 technical items Garbage Collector Since ms Threading So don‘t do DNA sequencing Animation Speed Use 3D transitions Double-Click problem “tabstart“ or “singletap“ event DOM Pollution Don‘t be messy App Size No longer
12 LATEST NEWS iOS 8: JIT compression (gives you 20% boost) read development/ development/ Android 4.4: Chromium 30 (stock browser + remote debugging) read
13 TOP 6 management items Time first version % of dual pure native development all other release time 50% Bug hunting fix only once Design Prototyping Start small, quickly add Not sure if design follows function on mobile
14 Prove it
15 Benchmark: Today is Fast enough
16 HTML Benchmark html5test.com
17 JavaScript Benchmark sunspider auf Phone and iOS
18 JavaScript Benchmark Desktop Browser420 iOS iPhone 5428 iPhone 5 dev mode 724 iPhone 5 chrome1100 iPhone 4s1558 sunspider auf Phone PLUS iOS
19 JavaScript Benchmark Desktop Browser 420 Nexus 5 Chrome Samsung S31123 Samsung S16500 sunspider auf
20 CSS Benchmark iPhone 5 iOS 83 ms iPhone 53 – 5 ms iPhone 5 chrome5 – 7 ms iPhone 4s9 – 10 ms howtocreate.co.uk/csstest.html
21 Graphics Benchmark Sencha Touch Developer Scorecards
22 Examples customer center app Hamburger Menu
23 Conclusion X no-one is trying to do DNA sequencing on an iPhone most apps have a very reasonable response model the user does something, then the app responds visually with immediacy at 30 frames per second or more, and completes a task in a few hundred milliseconds
24 Think for yourself! Hybrid development covers 90% of B2C Apps
25 Agenda DEVELOPERS 4 BEST FRIENDS Framework ▪ Wrapper ▪ Tester ▪ Caretaker
26 Developer 4 Best Friends Developer needs: a framework a community to ask a real pro for code reviews a testing framework (same language)
27 Framework: Sencha Touch Developed for 5 years, based on EXTJS real framework MVC (upcoming MVVM) Data-binding full speed animations Knockout JS Angular JS
28 Need help with API
30 See Sencha Live
31 Wrapper: PhoneGap Installation install NodeJS npm install –g phonegap Setup your app phonegap create my-app phonegap platform add android phonegap plug-ins phonegap run android
32 Wrapper: PhoneGap Installation install NodeJS npm install –g phonegap Setup your app phonegap create my-app phonegap platform add android phonegap plugins phonegap run android
33 Use Sencha Installation install NodeJS install Sencha CMD 5 Download Sencha Touch Setup your app sencha generate app MyApp sencha cordova init de.telekom.internal.MyApp MyApp change some phonegap.local.properties cordova plugin sencha app build –run native
34 Testing with Siesta Automated testing with phantomjs Code coverage Click flows, real user click tests (wait, monkey tests) Use JavaScript Use Sencha Touch commands to locate items
35 Our Setup GitLab Jenkins Sonar Siesta Android + iOS Build Hockey Enterprise Account Stores