Ensuring that customers have seamless experiences with setup, support, and use of qualified products & services
Aastra 6725 iP Aastra 6721 iP Polycom CX600 Polycom CX500 snom 300 UC Edition $850+ $ $ $100+ HP 4110 HP 4120 snom 821 UC Edition Polycom CX3000 USB Audio & Video Devices snom 370 UC Edition Polycom KIRK DECT Wireless
Home ServerMediation Server Lync Server 2013Lync 2013 Supported Lync Server 2013 – Lync Server 2010 Lync 2013Lync 2010Supported Lync 2010Lync 2013Supported Lync Server 2013 – OCS 2007 R2 Lync 2013OCS 2007 R2Supported OCS 2007 R2Lync 2013Not Supported Mediation ServerNext Hop ServerHome Server Lync Server 2013Lync 2013 Supported Lync Server 2013 – Lync Server 2010 Lync 2013 Lync 2010Supported Lync 2010 Lync 2013Supported Lync Server 2013 – OCS 2007 R2 Lync 2013 OCS 2007 R2Supported OCS 2007 R2 Lync 2013Supported * Contents from 2010 SBA will write monitoring and archiving contents to Lync 2010 store ** Assumed certified Gateways for the release of MS shown in the tables above Lync 2010 Pool Lync 2013 Preview Pool Lync 2010 SBASupportedSupported * Lync 2013 SBANot SupportedSupported
OIP qualified IP-PBX capable of bypass PBX end-points Lync pool with MS role Lync end-points Media Signaling
PBX, IP-PBX, SBA or GW that supports bypass All qualified SBA support bypass GW qualified at Lync level support bypass Unfortunately, few PBX or IP-PBX support bypass today (use SBC, GW if not) Need a centralized media processing point No bypass direct to endpoint (phone) is supported Requires a media aggregation point, e.g. Cisco’s Media Termination Point (MTP) Not the simplest of topics… Skills on 2 systems; routing optimization; resiliency scenarios… For complex topologies, recommend an experienced partner
CUCM + MTP1 Lync Cisco 8001 Lync 8500 Lync 8000 Cisco 8501 MTP 2 WAN Mediation HQ Site Branch
CUCM Lync Cisco Endpoint Lync client Lync client Cisco phone ISR (MTP) WAN G.711 Mediation Codec based on CAC or RTT HQ Site Branch
CUCM Lync Mediation Cisco Endpoint Lync Endpoint Lync Endpoint WAN Cisco phone ISR (MTP) G.711 HQ Site Branch
CUCM Lync Mediation Cisco Endpoint Lync Endpoint Lync Endpoint WAN Cisco phone ISR (MTP) G.711 Call stays up HQ Site Atlanta Branch
Lync 2010 Mobile No Voice/Video over IP experience Windows 8/RT Modern UI Point-to-point video Multi-party video (Gallery View) Leveraging H.264 SVC H.264 encoding within ARM chipsets Lync 2013 Mobile Point-to-point video Multi-party video (single active speaker) Leveraging H.264 SVC H.264 encoding within ARM chipsets
Signaling Media H.264 SVC RTV H.264 AVC H.264 SVC / AVC Peer-to-Peer Scenarios H.264 AVC
Signaling Media H.264 SVC + RTV RTV + RTV Multiparty Scenarios RTV H.264 AVC